The other face of diabetes is that you don't want to see, the one you don't want to look at, the one that sometimes causes you pain and suffering.But there is no darkness without light at the same time, because what does not kill you makes you stronger.That is the real face of diabetes.
So let me insist, macha and repeat that what does not kill you makes you stronger.Because diabetes has made you strong.
Yes, it has made you strong.And he has taught you, he has taught you things you could do and did not do for having diabetes, what you could have and did not have to have diabetes, what you could learn and did not learn, what you could be and did not go.
Diabetes has left you touched and sunk, has left you thrown by the soils, has prevented you from achieving some dream ... It has conditioned you to an insulin life, needles and self-control.To a life where she is the most important thing, because I don't know what I don't know, but I know this.
And at least in my case, that's how it goes.
And that there are very worse diseases and how lucky that diabetes has touched us, what a patraña!That does not comfort me, it hurts to live every day with diabetes.
As we would like to live a life without diabetes, it would have to be incredible.
But there is no evil that for good does not come and that is a truth like a temple because diabetes has made you strong, very strong, stronger than a rock.He has taught you to live a life of struggle and overcoming.He has taught you to believe in yourself and what you can do.He has taught you not to spill more tears for her, to lose certain customs and win others, others much better.
And he has taught you that you are not alone, you are not the only one that you have diabetes, many also have it and we are here for you.
You still have a lot to do, much to discover, many battles to win.But you are the owner of your own destiny.That diabetes does not stop you.
Because what does not kill you makes you stronger.