Well, making a little history of my case, it turns out that I have a 5 -year -old son, since I remember he has always taken a lotWhether it was during the day or during the night, my son is and has always been "chubby", I have always had something over weight, to say now measures 123 cm and weighs 32, bone around 9 kilos above his weightideal.
A couple of months ago my potato told me that I saw that I was still doing pipi, I thus normally thought about the bathroom like that, I let it pass but I stayed with the spine (I really always worry a lot and sometimes I do tsunami in a glass ofWater), the thing is that just yesterday I went to a health clinic to take my wife and take advantage to make my son a glucose test since I had not had breakfast, I only drink natural water (they told me that not even water owedHaving ingested, is completely fasting) and as a reference one day before snow on the afternoon-night and Ceno Pizza with its capsup and a bit of tail soda, in addition to its glass of milk that does not forgive hehe.
Total that the results of the glucose came out in 106, they tell me that the limit is 115, to consider it normal, and above 125 with possibilities of having diabetes ....
What is your opinion?Practice the test again but without such an eccessive dinner in carboids or does that not modify the result so much?
Thanks before hand !!!!