Good morning, I have a question about intermediate insulin, so I have read this one works more or less:
- Start of action: 1-2 hours
- Maximum effect: 4-6 hours
- Its effect lasts between 10-12 h
My question is, if my mother is injected 25 units in the morning which is the difference of ineying 35 units, the maximum effect remains at 4-6 hours and the term in 10-12 hours?or for injecting more this lasts more,
For example, in the blue chart, the 25 units and the green units have been?so works?
Now, taking advantage of the theme, in the second graphic, if the blue line is 25 units of intermediate insulin, if I apply the same 25 units but 20 are intermediate and 5 quick cause the effect of the blue and black line?