*They already have special equipment that allows patients to periodically review the day they require it
Nuevo Laredo, Tam.- With the aim of improving the quality of life and maintaining control of the disease of people who have been diagnosed with diabetes, the 'Diabetes Club' corresponding to sector 10, already have special equipment thatIt allows to periodically review patients the day they require it.
The tenth councilor, Carlos Bulás, mentioned that in regards to his sector, six 'Diabetes Club' have already been formed in which a doctor, nutritionist and chemical to provide advice on the control of the control of the control of the control of the control of the control of the control of the control of the control ofThe disease.
"The talk is once a month, however it is importantHe mentioned Bolas.
With these 'kits', a sugar level control is carried out on the day that the patient requires it, without the need to wait for the monthly review.
"A patient registration is carried out when the orientation is performed, only this data is facilitated to the doctor to value them and modify medical treatment or what people require," said the councilor.
The 'Diabetes Club' offer free attention and are located in the Tamul of the Nuevo Progreso neighborhood, Casa de la Cultura in the Ejido El Progreso, Technical Secondary 69 in the New Alliance, Primary: Antonio Eleodoro Vélez in Guerreros del Sol,Jorge González Camarena in the Anáhuac Valles subdivision and the Mauricio González de la Garza school in Colorines.