In Mexico almost one in 10 people suffer from diabetes.After the diagnosis, the patient must follow a comprehensive treatment with psychological medication and help, this to generate awareness and acceptance of the disease, as well as to create a narrow link with the medical regime.That is, the person maintains mental health in their new life condition.
Some of the emotional reactions that arise after determining that diabetes are suffering are anger, uncertainty, fear, anxiety or depression.Therefore, the doctor in Psychology, Laura González-Macías, emphasized that the patient must accept the condition and comply with medical treatment.
“The most important thing is to provide education, that is, to show the benefits of treatment and raise awareness of it.It usually happens that the patient does not respond immediately to the medication even taking it properly, in this case we should work on the emotions that could be preventing the efficacy of the treatment, ”he emphasized.
For his part, the psychologist must teach the patient the acquisition of healthy habits, reduce negative emotions, improve communication with family and friends, as well as control stress to improve both physical and emotional quality of life.
For example, the patient with diabetes that presents depression is requested by the clinical diagnosis of a psychiatrist and with psychotherapy there is a possibility that he understands what is happening with his body and it is more likely to adapt to this new circumstance of life.With alternatives as physical activity: relaxation exercises, meditation, yoga or mindfullness you can control anxiety and anguish.
Another option is to attend a support network, that is, the space where other people serve as companions or listening and make the patient feel safe.It is also important to involve the family in the treatment and knowledge of the disease.
"If the patient is not medically taken care of, diabetes is serious, emotionally, the consequences come faster and can be even more dangerous," said Dr. Laura González-Macías, also therapist in the clinic of eating disorders of the instituteNational Psychiatry.
In addition, he concluded that “a psychological treatment for a person with a chronic disease, it never hurts, you have to become aware and duel.Take care of mental health and see that the patient can contend with what is happening to him. ”(ID agency)