It appears when the body does not produce enough insulin or becomes resistant to it, and even both cases.If you lead a sedentary life or overweight, you can be contributing to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

That is why it is important that you take into account these tips that will help you reduce the risk of suffering from this disease.

1.Start eating well

Having a healthy diet is one of the best ways to minimize the risks of your health deterioration and, especially, helps you avoid type 2 diabetes.

Have these considerations to improve your diet:

Replace whole dairy with low fat versions.
It consumes more fruits and vegetables.
Eat more lean cuts of meat and poultry.
Take more fiber and whole grains and get away from the defendants.
Avoid or completely limits soft drinks, processed fruit juices and sweet drinks.
Choose non -saturated fats, and limits or avoids the consumption of trans fats.
It gives special emphasis on food consumption with high fiber content and controls your carbohydrate intake.This helps you keep your blood sugar levels under control.

The fiber, on the other hand, helps you feel satisfied for longer.This makes it less likely to eat excessively.

2.Keep your healthy weight

It is not about losing a lot of kilos to delay or avoid type 2 diabetes. A modest loss of 5 to 7 % of your weight could be enough to avoid type 2 diabetes.

If you eat healthy and move more, it will make you easier to stay aware of your weight.

Some of the measures you can take are:

Measure your food portions.
Make use of the stairs, walk, dance or jog a little to burn additional calories.
Season your meals with fresh herbs instead of sauces and dressings with high caloric content.
Replace juices and sodas with water and fresh fruit.

3.Stay active

Being active is one of the best ways to take care of our general health, in addition to avoiding type 2 diabetes.

On the other hand, it helps your body to be more sensitive to insulin.This helps help you use glucose more effectively and better handle your blood sugar levels.

Exercise can also reduce the risk of complications if you already have diabetes.It is especially beneficial when you combine it with a healthy diet.

Several studies have shown that risk can be reduced more effectively with exercise and healthy diet than with the use of medicines.

4.Quit smoking

If you smoke you have between 30 and 40 % more likely to develop diabetes.The more fumes cigarettes, the more your risk increases.

As if that were not enough, smokers with diabetes can end up having more difficulty controlling their condition than those who do not smoke.

On the other hand, you are more prone to develop serious complications such as:

Heart disease.
Kidney complications.
Leg ulcers or amputation caused by blood flow deficiency.
Ocular diseases
Nerve damage (peripheral neuropathy).

5.Watch your blood pressure

If you want to avoid type 2 diabetes, you should keep in mind that two out of three people with diabetes have high blood pressure or take medications to control blood pressure.

Blood pressure not only increases the risk of the appearance of type 2 diabetes, but of conditions such as stroke and kidney diseases.

Blood pressure is considered high if it is 140/90 or higher.

Healthy levels are below 120/80.If you usually suffer from hypertension, you may not present symptoms, unless you check your values ​​frequently. 6.Keep the levels of your low and HDL triglycerides high

It is common for people with type 2 diabetes to have low levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and high triglycerid levels.

Even if your blood levels are stable, type 2 diabetes can reduce cholesterol and increase triglycerides.

This is known as diabetic dyslipidemia and can lead to heart disease or even a stroke.

There are research that demonstrates a clear connection between insulin resistance and this condition.

Do not wait until you cannot avoid type 2 diabetes. Keep in mind that it is possible that it is necessary for years before presenting symptoms that give away the disease.Even many people don't even show them.

Consider consulting with your trusted doctor about the possibility of having type 2 diabetes if you experience:

Thirst frequent
Constant desire to urinate
Extreme hunger
Weight loss
Blurred vision
Wounds that cure slow
Frequent infections
Dark skin patches on armpits and neck

Source: Better with health