Whether you just go with someone one afternoon for something simple like having coffee, or something more complex like someone you like very much, diabetes is an extra point in which you should think (in addition to clothes and perfume) butthat should not be a bigger problem.
say that I live with diabetes?
Before they scold me, this is a super personal decision and depends on each one of us.Personally, it always works for me to mention casually that I live with diabetes because I am not the type of person who hides in a bath to inject or does not measure your glucose during an appointment.I do what I have to do to keep myself well throughout the appointment (and avoid something that scares my appointment as hypoglycemia) and this of course includes some things that not everyone does.
Keep in mind that although you can be very open in injecting insulin "anywhere" not everyone likes to see needles and syringes so it is better to notice than to see faces of fright.I insist, this is my way of addressing these situations but I know others that do it differently.
Will they stop being interested in me when I say that I live with diabetes?
Again my personal life comes to light. Do you see what they force me to do?I have never chosen a friendship and much less a prospect for boyfriend (before, now I am already married) that I could run away from knowing that I live with diabetes.Diabetes although it accompanies me everywhere defines many of my actions but I am sure to be much more than type 1 diabetes and that has never interfered in my relationships with others.
If someone made any type of "uncomfortable" comment about my diabetes and my life, it would be enough reason to turn me around and not come back.But the same happens if someone makes an ugly comment about the way I look or my body weight, you don't have to be genius to know.
Some people are much more receptive than others and remember that this is a world full of myths "my grandmother, my neighbor, ..." will be things inevitable but part of a relationship, to go out, to meet friends is to learn about theother.
Do not worry too much, who is destined to be your life partner will not judge, learn and support you when you need it.
And how do you handle your appointments?