Inscontrol of sugar/glucose

09/15/2016 2:10 p.m.

Well, that of the ratios have not told me anything, I have a talk to calculate the bolus that I did not know what it was either.
Today before eating 81 (super good) and I was as if I had a drop of 30, my hands were shaking hahaha, as I have it so high, I felt as if I had less.
I put on the fast insulin and start eating, I don't usually wait time to it, the nurse told me that as soon as you got the quick one, it was already beginning to act and a long time ago (years) another nurse told me that I was starting to take effect at 20Minutes ... Anyway, they do not agree or themselves.

Before what I was doing and I think that was doing very badly, it was to put the fast insulin at the end of eating and at an hour and a half and "finishing" eating looked at my sugar.Now I measure it at the time and auction of "start" "start".

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09/15/2016 2:28 p.m.

Fátimagv said:
Well, that of the ratios have not told me anything, soon I have a talk to calculate the bolus that I didn't know what it was either.
Today before eating 81 (super good) and I was as if I had a drop of 30, my hands were shaking hahaha, as I have it so high, I felt as if I had less.
I put on the fast insulin and start eating, I don't usually wait time to it, the nurse told me that as soon as you got the quick one, it was already beginning to act and a long time ago (years) another nurse told me that I was starting to take effect at 20Minutes ... Anyway, they do not agree or themselves.

Before what I was doing and I think that was doing very badly, it was to put the fast insulin at the end of eating and at an hour and a half and "finishing" eating looked at my sugar.Now I measure it at the time and a half of "start" to eat.

It is not as simple as they have told you that if 20 minutes, that if 10 minutes, everything depends on the figure you have and the glycemic index of what you are going to eat, if you have done sports before starting ......, But we are going to that to the nurses and they will look at you with the face of "You are not a nurse."
I have particularly started with the fruit if I had it very tight, be clear that you have to attend all the variables, it is a mess. I know.

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Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)

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09/15/2016 3:09 p.m.

My mother !!Well, I have not taken that into account sincerely and of course I go !!!!Now after eating it has given me 147, for me perfect, but I will arrive at the surety dinner to more than 150, but today I go to the hockey and as I have seen in the forums of the links I will eat and put insulin before.

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09/16/2016 7:20 a.m.

I think what is happening to you are working a little blindly.Ask in your hospital if you can leave you for a time a continuous meter, the other option is to buy it.That will allow you to know your body's ration better to meals and insulin.
Even with the continuous meter there are times that is complicated, only with specific controls for your situation so variable will be much more difficult.
There are many issues that affect, that if the effect of dawn, which goes to days, that if the hormonal, sport and sometimes things happen without apparent explanation.With a continuous meter at least you will see them and you will have the option to correct.

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09/16/2016 8:19 a.m.

Hello !!, the continuous meter was looking at him but they are a expensive pass.I will tell the nurse to see what she tells me.

I tell you my levels yesterday:
- 15: 00h -> After eating 147
- 17: 00h -> 101
- 18: 50h -> Before exercise 94. Take a juice although no orange sugar
- 21: 00h -> After exercise 188.It does not seem excessively high
- Dinner: 20 GR HC of comprehensive rice cooked in salad with 4 cherry and tuna tomatoes.1 pork chop.I get 8 fast (for oil and rice accessories)
- 22: 30h -> After dinner 256 (Regulo with 6 units)
- 23: 50h -> Before bed 227 (I regulate with 4 units) and I put 18 units
- 03: 30h (early morning) -> 189
- 06: 30h on fasting 256

All the best,

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09/18/2016 2:49 a.m.

It seems that you lack basal at night. I would upload a unity's lesson of the night, to wake up well.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

09/19/2016 8:45 a.m.

Hello chic@s !!!Well, I have uploaded the lighting up to 21 units and on Sunday I lift myself with 81 super good having about 100 before bed and fatal today ... I got up with 221 having slept with 98 sugar.

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09/19/2016 2:22 p.m.

Hi @Fátimagv, for me it is little 100 or 98 to go to bed, in general if I am not mistaken, they recommend lying above 120, although it always depends on each clear person.But above all if you have exercised, you are very fair and you may give you a nocturnal hypo.Could 221 be a rebound effect?That the hypo has been resolved without realizing it and has been rebounded?Although this is not clear if it exists or is only myth ...
You can try to measure you at some time around 3-4 in the morning, to see what trend you have, if you go down if you go down ... and have something to grab.

DM tipo 1 desde Junio 2016 - Novorapid y Toujeo.
HbA1c: 6,2 // 30 añazos
Échale un ojo a mi web de ilustraciones sobre diabetes!:

09/19/2016 2:34 p.m.

Hi Miexron, I had thought about it, but the other day I did it and the trend was increased.before eating today 232 how frustrating this is

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09/19/2016 3:59 p.m.

:( then it is frustrating yes. Let's see if the next time you go to the nurse or the endocrine they change your insulin and the change is good for you, and what can help you the most. Because your case seems complicated,
Much encouragement!

DM tipo 1 desde Junio 2016 - Novorapid y Toujeo.
HbA1c: 6,2 // 30 añazos
Échale un ojo a mi web de ilustraciones sobre diabetes!:

09/28/2016 12:57 p.m.

Hello chic@s!I tell you how the thing is going, they cannot change my insulin slow because one is equivalent to the Lantus and is not tested or not valid for pregnant women and is one of my goals.The other as it is double the face say that it is necessary to pass committee and others.

The fact is that I have uploaded the Levemir to 22 units of the 18 that put me at 12:00 and at 00:00 and a lot of sincerely sincerely, now I do not have to put half a quick ball and when I wear the good dose ofRapid according to the accounted for charges, they give me coherent results.

I have been a week and a half and Jolin how the results are noticed, today in aid 126 and before yesterday I had 104. And I arrive at the super good dinner, between 80 and 90.

Yesterday the only thing that on the fast gave me 50 having bedcookie.

Now my ranges after meals are between 130 and 140.

I am much more animated !!

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09/28/2016 4:47 p.m.

@Fatimagv for pregnancy have not raised insulin bomb?It could be a solution to those variations you have.But we are going that if you are throwing well now with the new dose, little by little you will take the point of what is doing well.
It depends on the exercise at the time you did and it depends on each person can get off hours later, so it is a matter of trying that you are doing well, or that taking those days when bedtime if you see that it is repeated, maybeIt was an isolated case of one day, a file X as we usually say haha.
The usual thing they tell us before sleep is a glass of milk, a cookie has less HC and the absorption is different, but we go that what I told you before, each person is different, so it is to try, even according to milkAnd a cookie.
Try a few days when you do sports to get up at midnight to see how you are going, it is a roll but to see it is an option, and so you see that you would go better to take you to avoid those descents if they are repeated.

Conviviendo con la diabetes desde 1986
Aviva Combo Junio 2015
Freestyle Enero 2016
Dexcom g4 Octubre 2016
Ultima Hb1ac 5,7

09/28/2016 11:26 p.m.

I am very happy @Fátimagv to continue every day better!As they tell you, you will calibrate that you are better to take a long time when you are a little fair, I with 98 and having exercised I would have taken me minimum 2 cookies (integral, they are normal with sugar, but they carry very little), being integralIt should also help absorption to be slower and last a little more.But that, each one is a world, and depends on many things, so to continue adjusting!

DM tipo 1 desde Junio 2016 - Novorapid y Toujeo.
HbA1c: 6,2 // 30 añazos
Échale un ojo a mi web de ilustraciones sobre diabetes!:

09/30/2016 4:25 p.m.


Yes, you are right, when I go to Hockey Ceno a cooked comprehensive rice salad that helps me maintain the level, when you make tape I will try to eat some more hydrates.

At the moment I go much better sincerely, although yesterday I made a hockey having before starting 134 sugar and I took a pineapple juice without sugar, at the end I had (at half an hour or so to finish) 68, Cene, integral rice (40 gr) and a iron fillet, plus an ice cream S.A (10 gr hc) and put 7 units and at 23:30 I had a low of 37 of wanting to die .. and of course bouncing to 200 when I got up.

Today I have lowered the levermir to 21 to see if I avoid the hypos that are giving me lately.

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12/19/2016 4:54 p.m.

Hello!!!Well, I wanted to share with you my hemoglobin that I have had in today's test ... it has been ......... 6.7 !!!!!!!!!In October I had an 8 hem !!!!!

Thank you very much, because you have taught me a lot, just reading and learning from you.I am very, very happy.

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