The Spanish Diabetes Federation (FEDE), Esteve and REDGDPS have launched the Eon Diabetes project, which integrates patients and health professionals, to respond to the main concerns of patients with diabetes, promoting the self -care and well -being of peopleWith diabetes.

Eon diabetes ( is a project focused on people with diabetes, and with which it seeks to integrate all health professionals involved in their care."The objective is none other than helping the person with this pathology to manage it properly, responsible for their ailment and, thus, improve their quality of life," they say.

To achieve this goal, the EON project will train health professionals both in skills (training for clinical intervention) and in attitudes (empathy and communication with the patient).In addition, it will facilitate practical tools for the community pharmacist, for the doctor and for the patient.

Among these tools, is the elaboration of a video in which Dr. Jorge Navarro of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SEMFYC), Dr. Josep Franch of Redgdps and the president of Fede, Andoni Lorenzo, talk about thePersonal experiences of patients, and reflect on the situation of type 2 diabetes in Spain;The real role played by doctors and patients today in the treatment of this pathology;or the importance of health professionals closely know the reality of their patients.It is a dialogue with which it is intended to shed light on what this reality is like and how it should really be to improve and that can be visualized through

"The Eon project was born with an integrative philosophy, since it seeks to detect the deficiencies of the National Health System (SNS) when it comes to serving people with diabetes, taking into account all the patient's dimensions and seeking their involvement in self -managementof the pathology, but also with all the agents involved in the treatment, so that this necessary co -responsibility is believed in the treatment of chronic ailments, "they conclude.