Here we leave you 20 recommendations from endocrinologists Roberto Cerritos and Gustavo Cabrera to have a better quality of life with diabetes.
1. Educate about the disease.Know what it is, what are the symptoms and everything that is necessary to take care of you.
2. Have a good control and medical treatment of sight to avoid dreaded complications such as glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy.
3. Do the right exercise to your clinical condition and age.It is advisable to do 100 to 150 minutes a week.
4. Monitor your glucosylated hemoglobin (specialized exam) and your blood pressure, to remain at normal levels.
5. Watch your cholesterol and triglycerides levels, ask about normal parameters according to your age and sex.
6. Have a normal sugar level, at any time (not only on an empty stomach), 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.
7. Keep a low salt diet.
8. Avoid cigarette.
9. Control your weight, according to the levels established for your age, height and body structure.Ask your doctor to watch your body mass.
10. Keep control with your doctor regularly, (do not lose your appointments).He will maintain a file of your pressure, cholesterol levels and blood sugar and make the necessary changes in your treatment.
11. Tell yourself healthily.You must include food from all food groups, but it is important to suppress fats, sugars and red meat.
12. Fiber consumption increases, as it helps reduce carbohydrate absorption and maintains under sugar levels.
13. Check your kidneys at least twice a year.
14. It takes abundant water.
15. Check your feet daily, in a place with good lighting.
16. Morates the skin of the feet at night to prevent dryness.
17. Do not cut your feet with scissors.To keep them short, it is better to use a cardboard lime every day after the bathroom.
18. Use comfortable and closed footwear.
19. Always use white socks to avoid ampoules and sores, it will also help you easily recognize if there has been a wound when you check them at night.
20. Take your medications at the indicated time.