Hello, I just came from the endocrine and has prescribed the toujeo insulin because with the lantus it does not get well in the afternoon and says that this is slower and that comes better at 24 hours.This is the one you speak in the forum ????That arrives at 24 hours or is another.Thank you.My glycosada is 6.1 10 months ago when I started with DM1 I had 10.5.
Aliciaalicia good morning, I have been carrying it for a few months, it is like thicker, I have not noticed a big difference with the lantus, only in one thing, that I must change the needle in each puncture.I beg you if the insulin comes out before clicking because I already tell you, I do not know if it's because it is thicker, but blocks the needle in one or two doses.
diagnostico final: sindrome metabolico. HG: 5.8 OBJETIVO ALCANZADO Y SIN INSULINA !!!!!!!!!! ahora a intentar mantenerse en estos niveles !!!!!!
@Aliciaalicia and @Boucles We have several issues that deal with toujeo insulin, to facilitate monitoring, I will close this and I copy here the links to follow it there.