boucles said:
@anaisabel, the dose of novorapid is that it is so little that I do not even find out,
I asked if there is someone who also gets only 2 units once a day.I just asked why the feeling is very light
thank you
Hello companion!As I see that you are very worried about the minimal dose of fast I will answer you, to reassure you, but only for that, since I understand that just like me, you will have to have your controls and your professionals.
I am recently diagnosed and they tell me that I am still on the honeymoon, so I need little insulin, and yes, I put only 2 Novorrapid at breakfast.Although I also have a dose in the food, and the slow morning.I still do not know how those 2 units influence my body, but it seems that, even if it is very little amount, I need it.I am going 1 time to my endocrine nurse and she is modifying the guideline.I count the rations that as and I point them out, to tell her as she is going.This is my case, which I imagine will be very different from yours, but I hope to reassure you.
All the best.