It is the first time that I participate in the forum.
I explain my trajectory and what happened to me today, to investigate and find your forum. Three months ago, in a routine control, I got 136 on an empty stomach.Per month, 130. With which the doctor diagnosis type 2 diabetes and I prescribe metformin 850, 1/2 for breakfast and 1/2 at dinner.
With exercise and food control, more or less, I keep it between 90 and 100 on an empty stomach.With some oscillation above 120 and no more than 130, according to dinner.
A month ago I have a glucometer and once a week the fasting control.Being 90% of the time in normal values.
Today, something that I had never experienced has happened to me and I have really scared a little, I count:
I have had breakfast cereals, strawberries and 3 or 4 nuts.Almost always, mid -morning I take some slow absorption hydrate, but today it has happened to me ........................... on the13.30.I have felt weakness and some tremor, as I was at home, I looked at the glycemia and I was in 59 and in the face of astonishof sugar.At 1/2 hour, I have looked at the glycemia again and I was at 110 and already at 14:30 I have eaten, boots with a small potato, two pieces of cod with fry and a small integral panecillo and water.1/2 hour later I was in 200, which had never happened to me and at two and a half hours to eat in 78. I don't know if these ups and downs are normal.In three months it is the first time that happens to me and that I have also controlled so many levels, I usually never do it. I would like to know if it is normal, if I am doing something wrong or I have to consult with the doctor, because these ups and downs are not normal? ....................................... Greetings and thank you very much. Pedro
Very good Pedro, first of all, be calm, I am not a diabetic I have also had the occasional hypoglycemia.A priori that goes up just after eating is not so weird, the most important thing is the measure at 2 hours.
In any case, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor because you have to make an adjustment in the treatment or result that you have lada diabetes.
Two hours after eating (Borrajassss, good : \ ">) If you are in 78, it is fine. Half an hour of having eaten it is normal for glycemia to rise. Welcome to the forum!
Good morning.Thanks Anaisabel. I have doubt and I don't know if it's normal, I had never looked at it, it's having 200 at 1/2 time to eate.Perhaps, the Chocalate cookie and the three tablespoons of Coca Cola before eating for the feeling of hiccups I had, influenced this result. One thing, for the following questions, can I ask them here or is it better in the specific sections of the forum?:)
Being hiccy I usually drink a 250 cc coca-cola vessel.Some tablespoons is nothing and to overcome it is not ideal cookies because they are slow hydrates
But @Saldana does not put any insulin, and could overcome only that .. .I believe that what will indicate the need or not of treatment is the value of glycosilada.Punctual glycemia, they don't say much to make a diagnosis.