This is the news that has been published in, I do not know that it will seem to you, but 20 minutes a day, to serve a 4 -year -old boy with diabetes, and that also changing the person whoAttend ... for me, it's not enough !!![-(

Salut's Ministry has affirmed to that the four -year -old boy affected and resides in the Coll d'E in Rabassa has the necessary assistance to deal with his care.

Salut's Ministry claims that they know the case and that the little one has a nurse that the PAC of Coll d'An Rabassa has been responsible for making at his disposal 20 minutes a day (10 minutes at 10:00 a.m. and 10 minutes12:00 h.).

Thus, the child, who is registered in the school alert registration, has the necessary assistance in case at any time could suffer a sugar or decrease in sugar, as they explain from the Department.From Salut, they understand the posture of the parents but claim that it is education who is responsible for assigning an AT (voluntary) and that they can only offer qualified medical assistance, not volunteers for the care of the child.

In this way, they assure that in a child he is in no case disregarded and that, although they would like to have nursing personnel all day, it is quite impossible since they do not have necessary personnel for it.

We remember that, according to the child's father, the little boy has gone from having a AT (voluntary caregiver) all day to have a nurse only 10 minutes at 10 in the morning and 10 minutes at 12 noon tocontrol the sugar.

The family tells this digital that they have attended on several occasions to the protector of the minor to inform their case and that both salut and education do not agree on what the institution that takes care of the care of the child, whichRecall, he is only four years old.

In addition, always in the family version, it has been the school itself who has put the at the child, but that this is not fixed and must teach every month to a different how to take charge of the care of the child.

The family, which goes to the PAC of Coll Den Rabassa, claims that the child needs more care and that his teacher cannot be aware of him since he has more students in charge and that they should be both salut and education those who take care of themof putting measures to care for the child.They do not understand why last year in small had a caregiver all day and this course is not.