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Toujeo insulin

03/31/2016 3:26 p.m.

Change to Toujeo.On the smell they all smell the same.I don't know what to tell you about it, the smell of insulin does not bother me.

There is also the possibility of trying the Tresiba.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/01/2016 4:07 p.m.

Hello everyone!

I have been the toujeo for a two weeks and peak, at first I was going the same as the lantus, and augmentáde a little I notice that it is much better.I have gone from 17 to 20. What still does not cover myself at 24 hours, although it lasts more hours than the lantus.

Dm1 desde 1996
Última Hemo: 5.9
Tratamiento: Humalog y Toujeo

04/02/2016 1:05 a.m.

The smell .. I neither fu nor fa, already sometimes nor do I notice it but it catches my attention that my mother and my husband notice it right away that I have walked with the pen (Simplemte I have put it, I have not thrown anything)And others, however, can already empty an entrance that they don't even realize

"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"

04/03/2016 11:12 a.m.

To start with the toujeo you have to put the total units that you injected with the Lantus.Although the toujeo is more concentrated the doses are the same but less liquid will enter you.That is, let's put two units of toujeo because comparing it with the lantus these two units in the toujeo will be smaller (less liquid will leave the pen (solostar) than the lantus.

The most concentration is explained.I explain it because there are users who believe that you have to wear less dose with the toujeo and it is not so.They are the same dose but less liquid will enter in the body.

Lantus: 100 units/ml injectable solution in a road

Toujeo: 300 units/ml injectable solution in a road

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/03/2016 12:19 p.m.

Then the toujeo cannot be put with syringe, only with pen, .., because the syringe units are for 100u/ml concentration.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

04/03/2016 2:20 p.m.

No idea anyway you still work with syringes, Regina.

The feathers are very comfortable in every way.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/03/2016 5:05 p.m.

Well, the Lantus always puts it with syringe .., mania that it is more accurate .. it leaves it loaded at night and puts it in the morning.
Also because this is never wrong with the rapid..

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

04/03/2016 5:06 p.m.

But the system will change;)

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

04/07/2016 4:05 p.m.

Boys I already have the toujeo in my hands.Tonight I start with her.... I will put 16 units at 10pm and I will tell you how it works.

And in the end I will make a general assessment of the two most popular basal (Tresiba and Toujeo) and I will definitely keep one of them.With the Tresiba I have been since February and I am quite happy to put it at noon (14: 30h) In the end I have stayed with 16 units now to see the toujeo.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/11/2016 4:03 p.m.

Hello again ,
Before I injected 34 Lantus units at night, they changed me to Toujeo and I have been raising the doses, now I am in 40 units (and only a month ago that they prescribed it), I do not notice any difference with the lantus, and what IThat is more serious, there is no improvement in morning glycemia.

diagnostico final: sindrome metabolico.
HG: 5.8 OBJETIVO ALCANZADO Y SIN INSULINA !!!!!!!!!! ahora a intentar mantenerse en estos niveles !!!!!!

04/11/2016 11:33 p.m.

I have tried three months and now I am with Toujeo.Soon I will give my opinion regarding these basal ones.

At the moment quite happy with Toujeo it covers me 24 hours that before with Lantus I had to put it in twice and I notice it more flat.

The only inconvenience that I am noticing in these two basal in my case is the morning glycemia.Sulen to be high or have this trend (not having peaks and being very flat usually raises blood glucose at night when sleeping).

This happens to you ????

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/12/2016 2:15 p.m.

Conclusion taken from the two most popular basal of today:

I definitely stay with Toujeo and explain my reasons.


I have been trying it for a while.I started putting it at night (22h) with the problem that sugar lowered before noon food.I changed to put it at 2:30 p.m. and solve the problem.And in principle quite well only in the absence of adjusting the dose a little more because it used to lift somewhat high glycemia.You have to lower the fast on meals.


I can't say anything else.I put it at 10:45 p.m. and I cover me all day I notice it more flat than the Lantus and I am very good.Having the dose set goes wonderfully.And I have managed to get up with normal glycemia.


Dose for you to have a reference all those who start with these basal ones (more or less later depend on each one):

Tresiba: 4 less than the total of the Lantus.
Toujeo: 1 or 2 more than the total of the Lantus.


Also tell you that I will try the fast insulin Apidra Solostar de Sanofi.The peak is somewhat more pronounced than the similar ones and what I like the most is the Pen Solostar.This is already hobbies of a server since they are all very similar now used Humalog.


"Toujeo has won in my case. This is my basal."Tell you that the two basal are successful and this already depends on each one.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/12/2016 2:25 p.m.

Tell you that in the case of putting the toujeo at night "I upload two fast units and before sleeping adjustments with one more quickly than I need."

And with this I have managed to get up with normal glycems.

For the rest of the day I use the same fast units as with the Lantus.

I am very happy with Toujeo I am all day with good glycemias (usually).

Courage everyone.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/12/2016 2:51 p.m.

I am very happy Josep111, at least you have managed to control the basal glycemia.
In my case, as I am waiting for the D. Lada, I do not sulked me fast insulin, they have only added oral medication.
The same is that, but I get up with the basal between 170/180, today surprising .......... to 157 !!!!But let's go today before eating 170 again, to see what happens this afternoon !!!This is a sinvivir hehehehehehe, for now I have eaten a salad and a coffee only coffee, because with 170 I have not wanted to add anything from H.C.

diagnostico final: sindrome metabolico.
HG: 5.8 OBJETIVO ALCANZADO Y SIN INSULINA !!!!!!!!!! ahora a intentar mantenerse en estos niveles !!!!!!

04/12/2016 2:56 p.m.

dori said:
good.Before yesterday he went to the endocrine and finally he had already removed "at all" the hypos because before he had very often and in February only one ... well the 6'7 glyc.Total much better than before.
The fact is that it has changed me to the toujeo that I do not know how it will be if someone uses it that I comment xD
He made me evenly because I will only have to put it at once and not twice.I will tell you how.
He told me that he had left a two days ago "yesterday" told me but not idea

Hi Dori!They also just sent me the toujeo, and I am quite happy.After my experience with Lantus and Levemir I was surprised that if it lasts 24 hours, I can say that it comes without problems.For me that I debuted in December is being a great discovery.In addition, concentration, like Fairy, is less.

Greetings to all
Type 1 diabetes

Maria Rodriguéz
Diabetes Tipo 1 e Hipotiroidismo Autoinmune
Insulina: Toujeo y Apidra
Aprendiendo con Sistema FreestyleLibre

04/12/2016 3:18 p.m.

Josep111 said:
tell you that in the case of putting the toujeo at night "I upload two fast units and before sleeping adjustment with one more quickly than I need".

And with this I have managed to get up with normal glycems.

For the rest of the day I use the same fast units as with the Lantus.

I am very happy with Toujeo I am all day with good glycemias (usually).

Courage everyone.

I will explain this a little better so that it is clarified and there are no doubt:

With threeiba during the day I needed less fast at meals less at dinner that needed the same as with Lantus (putting it at 10pm).
With Toujeo I need the same fast as with Lantus at meals less at dinner I need something else (I put it at 10:45 p.m.).

It covers me perfectly 24 hours a day and I notice it very flat.Now I think I have explained better.Very happy with Toujeo.

A hug to all.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/14/2016 9:17 a.m.

Very happy with Toujeo.It is the lantus by removing its imperfections.... Perfect.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/14/2016 11:41 p.m.

There is a very interesting app called:

"Goal tracracker & inhabitants" and consists of a normal calendar that marks the day when you meet a goal.

It serves me when I wear the basal to mark it and know if I have put it on or not.

It is interesting because even having the mobile phone alarm you sometimes turn it off because you are doing things and then you don't know if you carry it or not.With this app when you put it marks and there is no doubt.

22:45H- TOUJEO 22 und. Peso: 73 kg.
HUMALOG a demanda
OneTouch Verio IQ / OneTouch Verio

04/21/2016 11:45 a.m.

I am new in the forum, I am 19 years old and I am a diabetics since the 11
I used the Lantus always and I was doing quite well and the endocrine decided that yes, change to Toujeo and I have been with glycemia in the morning around 300.
I put it at night and start with the 19 units that I put on Lantus and I gradually upload until 23 and still one day wake up very high.
I will continue trying and adjusting even if it bothers me that with how good I was with the Lantus, now I see me with this lack of control.
15 days ago I had a hemoglobin of 6.2, we will see with this change that occurs.

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04/21/2016 12:59 p.m.

Hi, @brenda!I do not understand insulin change if you were doing well with the Lantus.You should not have changed.With how difficult it is to get it well!I hope that solutions soon and if not think about it and return to the Lantus.

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