It is not the first time we talk about the need to call the types of diabetes by name and surname.
On November 14 I dedicated myself to send tweets with information from each type of diabetes and every time I read;"We prevented diabetes with good nutrition," I felt that I passed out.So I wrote several answers that were ultra useful, such as;"Let's clarify, not all types of diabetes can be prevented" or "Type 1 diabetes has no direct relationship with overweight in children."
I received several very friendly messages that even requested more information and others even with supposed clinical studies that said that type 1 diabetes as well as cancer if they are preventable.I breathed and inhaled several times, and I didn't let that tarnish my plan.My Plan for the 14 of Noviembres will be to continue contributing with my singing to media, government representatives and the public in general, to gradually leave a world of more educated diabetes.
I admit that I ended up dead, but I was older my mental wear and realizing that there is so much to do.It is very tired to feel that we swim against the current because from our humble trenches we strive to be clear, precise and especially truthful in the information we share.Then you see how the big media share each nonsense and you feel that what you had advanced will be lost for a tweet.
And so this letter arises that together with Mariana Gómez we write, to try to send our message to the media and anyone who needs it.The letter resides in families with diabetes and together with it we have created some key messages (below) that we ask you help us to share.
We will use the hashtag #NosinaclararAltipo as a way of letting know that it is not diabetes and now, and we will also use #LasDiabetes because we know that there is more than one type and all require education and importance.
Do you join this effort?We want to contribute and generate necessary changes to our community.
To read the letter
Key messages
Let's use the complete names of the types of diabetes.They share name but their causes and handles are different.#NosinaclaraLtipo #lasdiabetes
The #Diabetestipo1 has an autoimmune origin.It has no overweight relationship and obesity
The #DiabetEstipo2 cannot always be prevented but modifications in our lifestyle can help us delay and prevent its #NosinaclararAltipo #lasdiabetes appearance
In #Diabetestipo1 the body does not produce insulin.In #Diabetestipo2 the production of this hormone is insufficient or of poor quality #NosinClararAltipo #lasdiabetes
Prevention programs must include the full name because the #diabety1 cannot be prevented #NosinaclararAltipo #lasdiabetes
The different types of diabetes would not be the first cause of death to provide treatments in a timely manner
Let's be clear when creating notes on #LasDiabetes Providing correct information makes us change agents Compartamos Info #NosinaclararAltipo
Talking about #LasDiabetes without clarifying the type only leads to incomplete confusion and information, they are #type1 or #type2 #NosinaclararAltipo
Not all #lasdiabetes are the same, or their causes.Let's not generalize #NosinaclararAltipo