Next Sunday, November 20, the streets of Ciudad Rodrigo will house another year a great blue tide thanks to the IV Carrera and Paseo Healthy for diabetes organized by the Mirobrigense Association of Diabetes.

The event, which was presented on Thursday morning at the plenary hall of the Mirobrigense City Council, will maintain the same structure that has since its first edition, with versions for runners, walkers and children;also repeating the departure for the second consecutive year on Laguna Street, next to the Glorieta Park.

Adult career participants must take two laps to the already classic 5 -kilometer circuit (to total 10 kilometers), while the walkers will give only 1.

The tour will take place along Béjar Avenue, Registration, Madrid Street, Plaza Mayor, Cardenal Pacheco, Plazuela de San Salvador, Calle Campo de San Vicente, Sancti-Spíritus PuertAvenida de la Concha, Iberia, Júcar, Vodero, San Cristóbal, Paseo de Carmelitas, Calle Hermanos García Carraffa, Santa Clara Street, to get to Laguna Street.

The event will begin at 10.30 am, with the departure of the runners.When the last corridor completes the first round, the Walks will be launched, which this time will start their route in the immediate vicinity of the Finance building, to avoid problems in case the first runners are already completing the second round.

Once the tests of runners and walkers have been completed, children races will be developed, which will take place through Peramato, La Parra and Lorenza Iglesias streets.As a novelty, children will also carry chip, to avoid the problems that were last year after several children who were family were exchanged the dorsal when running, which generated problems at the time of awards ceremony, whichBy the way they will be elaborated specifically for the race by Martina Pantin Perino.

Absolute careers will have economic awards again, which increase compared to previous years.Specifically, the first classified both in men and women will take € 100, the second classified € 75 and the third parties, € 50.

Those interested in participating in the event can sign up through the website, or physically attending the headquarters of the Association, located on the first floor of the old health center (entering what was the Emergency Department).The headquarters will be open during the month of October on Tuesday and Thursday from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., and in November, every day at that same time.

The test maintains the same registration prices: the participants in the adult career and in the march of Walks will pay € 7, while the children will pay € 3.The dorsals will be collected at the Association headquarters on Friday 18 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and on Saturday 19 from 11.00 to 13.00, or in the Glorieta Park on Sunday 20 from 9 am to 10 am.

At the time of delivering the dorsals, the association will also deliver the distinctive blue shirt of the test, asking from the organization that all participants carry it to form “a great blue tide, and give notoriety and color to this disease”, in the words of Carolina Paniagua, president of the Mirobrigense Association of Diabetes.

Carolina Paniagua recalled that four years ago "we ventured to carry out this career without knowing how its development or impact was going to be, and today we are proud and above all grateful to all who participate, because every year we exceed the share of participation", exceeding last year the figure of 800 participants and more than 50 volunteers.The event aims to raise awareness among the population and raise funds for research, “which isour hope to eradicate this disease. ”