At the Primary Health Care Center (CAPS) "Edgardo Acuña" located in the northern part of the Capital Attention, a training on healthy eating and diabetes was carried out during yesterday.

The talk was intended for patients attending the CAPS, neighbors and the community in general.During the day an endocrinologist gave necessary tools about the importance of having healthy eating, cardiovascular risk, diabetes and consuming proteins.


The Province Ministry of Health reminds the community that the central vaccination dependent on the Undersecretariat of Preventive Medicine and Promotion, which operates in the Ministry of Health located in Chacabuco Street No.169 attends every day during January and February from 8 to 18.45.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays the dose of the antiamarilic vaccine for people traveling to countries where the disease is in epidemic situation is administered.Whether, to missions or another country in Latin America.