Almost a month ago was the International Diabetes Day.A few days before we could see some mentions, not many, in the media (TV, written press, internet and radio) about diabetes.On the 14th we went to the different acts that were organized in different cities.
As I said almost a month ... and now what? !!!
I am very sorry and I am very fit to see how we are forgotten again, as diabetes is just a diabetic thing.
We see quite frequently and hear news about other "diseases", but diabetes, which has been called the 21st century pest falls into oblivion, is ignored, is never news.
I have been going around this for several days and I get to a few conclusions, but some jacket:
1st I think we are a group with little organization, there are many organizations that each one makes the war on their own.As an example, set as the AECC (Spanish Association against Cancer), the only national association fights for its associates.In this sense, the closest thing we have in the Diabetes Foundation whose result is very scarce (scholarships for camps to families that have no resources, and there are very few scholarships, and little more), it is more dare to saythat only serves as a labor accommodation for the 4 or 5 people who work in it and who are not even diabetic.
2nd We are a very little vindictive collective, we do not protect, we do not complain.In Spain we are a few million diabetics, does no politician see the possibility of capturing voters between our group offering us to improve our quality of life?
3rd They arise very few projects, of the type that are, related to diabetes and the few that arise as soon as they receive support (to ours I refer).
4º As a result of the little dissemination in information there is great ignorance about what is diabetes and that implies who has it.
5º Some informative projects and movements in social networks have emerged that are more the ego of those who believe them that really a dissemination project and to publicize diabetes.
Some more conclusion are .... But it is more of the same.
Well I just wanted to share with you what I have been thinking days.
If someone means something .....