Good day and nights community,
10 days ago I was diagnosed with diabetes when I had symptoms like thirst, tiredness, eager to urinate but all normal, only those 3, my vision was fine, in fact my glucose came up in 307 on an empty stomach and at night when my name is my doctorThat he received the results I recommended to go by emergency because I had left very high, I proceeded to go to the emergency room and at 10pm what surprise, 530 glucose, month they stabilized immediately and they lowered me at the tip of insulin,
From that precise moment I started investigating and starting a diet and with 1 metformin pasta 850 and 16 insulin units at night,
Everything is perfect, my glucose levels do not go from 150, once another max at 225 or 200 but I already identify what foods make me up and avoid them, I am very controlled, but 8 days after being controlled, I lift me seeing blurry, unemployed, I have to make strength to see BN and I hold BN for a few seconds but everything is clouded, here I am guessing keg keg.
As much as Leo says that it is dangerous to see blurry with high glucose but I have it low, I've been 2 days and the truth is that my heart gets out.Tomorrow I go to the optometry but I am scared, because with high levels maybe for a long time I never saw blurred, now that I normalize my levels I see so badly ..
It has happened to you, I hope you reassure me as they have gone through this
Thank you!
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I happened to me when I started using insulin (20 years ago) that I was like a week that I saw very blurry and from afar I saw well.When I am something of myopic, so the problem I had before (and recover later) is the opposite.
En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?
10/05/2015 6:54 a.m.
It happened to me once after getting a rather complicated hyperglycemia, in the doctor they told me that it was normal, after a climb, I put a spice of layer in the retina that made me see blurred, it has not happened to me againI have not had a lack of control again, it controls your glycemias well in case, that is why, it is best that an ophthalmologist takes you out of doubt.
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10/05/2015 9:36 a.m.
I also have little in this and I usually have a "rare" vision.I see well but it is as if I had an Instagram filter sometimes.Upon waking me, it usually happens to me a lot and yesterday I went out and saw everything very brilliant, as if the brightness had risen.
If it is true that, without being hypoglycemia, the last two times that has happened to me coincide with significant decreases of sugar after a high figure and also, if you read the side effects of insulins, the blurred vision is usually symptom until.
DM1 desde 2015-Novorapid 2/2/2/2-Toujeo(en proceso)-Mañana
Glucosilada 4/2017: 7,2
After being diagnosed and starting insulin treatment, I also had blurred vision for a few days.Especially closely, it was impossible for me to overcome.He was also as unwilling, the ankles especially.
I went straight to emergency when I saw the duffel bag and asked to speak with an endocrine.They told me that it was normal to be with very high levels for a long time, at normal levels with insulin treatment.
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I think it is the lens in which it notices glucose changes, until it adapts again to normal values.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Hello, I was diagnosed 14 days ago, that day I arrived in the emergency room and got glymia in 370 immediately put 20 insulin units.After that I last 5 watching in 4K then they start to see blurry, I do not focus closely.Many people here, they tell me to pass while values are normalized.But I already have them normal and I still see blurred.The more or less it takes to return to normal if so?
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When I debuted a few weeks that I saw fatal (when I had never had problems of view before).I saw evil from far, then this was corrected and did not see anything close.It also happened to me as someone who has commented that I saw everything with many brightness (especially in the afternoon night).When I corrected the glucose levels, I started seeing again.But it took me like a month to recover my normal vision.
DM1 desde octubre de 2019 | Toujeo + Fiasp | FreeStyle | febrero 2023: HbA1c 5,9
Hello!When I debuted it also happened to me, and I was also like a month that I saw very bad, there were times if there was a lot of light I got to dizzle a little.It is a very uncomfortable feeling, but it happens!It is totally normal, the body has to adapt to being at normal levels :)
T1 diagnosticada a los 24, tengo 32.
Además soy celiaca y con muchas alergias e intolerancias alimentarias, entre ellas profilina. Recientemente diagnosticada con hipotiroidismo también.
Many things are altered with diabetes, including vision, since the blood vessels of the eyes are very small and glucose makes the blood thicker, the tissue becomes inflamed or there may be small bleeding, so it is soimportant to maintain adequate glucose levels.
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Hello mauricio delighted, for what I see you are of type 2. as described it seems like a problem as a partner has said or in the retina or in the optic nerve, hello diabetes 2 and having sugar above 250 ifIt has been a long time, how they have explained it can be a problem in the hair vessels or in the drainage of the optical nerve by not draining the eye well, it is flooded and causes the flash changes.Anyway, eat it to the endocrine and ask for the background.It is the best way to rule out problems.Greetings and take care of yourself.
Hello!My experience is very similar to the group, as soon as they told me that I had DBT, I had been blurred for weeks, even after applying insulin rapid and lentus for weeks ... when I am controlled the truth that I do not notice it, although of whyIf I'm already myopic.When I most notice it, it is with high and lasting glucose in days.Cheer up!
Tengo diabetes desde el martes 9 de junio del 2020. Tipo 1.
Llevo el FREESTYLE Desde el 30 de Julio. Todo muy bien, con subidas y bajadas pero aprendiendo a controlarme más cada día. Gracias por el foro.
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Hello.Good night.
Two months ago my husband diagnosed type 2 diabetes. They indicated diet, exercise and metformin 850 at lunch and dinner.Two days after the treatment began to cloud his view, every day that passed a little more.First just close and after far too.He even bought some lenses in a 3.5 -increase kiosk because he did not see or far away.All their ophthalmological studies did well luckily.The doctor said that when the sugar level was regularized, it was going to improve because the problem was an inflammation in the lens due to strong sugar leave.And at 3 semels he effectively began to improve his eyes, first from afar and after close.Now it is almost perfect.
Reading this group helped us a lot in that moment of anguish.
Cheer up who is reading this in search of an answer!And thank you very much for giving us a little tranquility at that time.
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