Knowing that in Spain there are 30 research groups in diabetes, with 450 researchers working daily is great news that should have a place in Experience Day diabetes.For this reason the presence of Dr. Anna Novials Deputy Director of the Cyber of Diabetes and Associated Metabolic Diseases (CIBERDEM) became necessary.
The doctor told us that the annual budget by the Government for diabetes investigation in our country is 3 million euros a year.And that the investigation is divided into three large blocks.
The first of these is the epidemiological, that is, we need to know how much real population with diabetes it exists.The data in that sense are alarming and confirm the increasing trend of the prevalence of diabetes in Spain.According to cyberdem, 8% of the Spanish population in general has diabetes.Of them 4% do not know and 15% of the general population has prediabetes, that is, it is in a stage very close to their debut in type 2 diabetes. The data in that sense are key to seeking preventive measures.
Another great block focuses on genetic therapies.That is to say in improving, for example, the pancreatic islet transplant, in the body's cells to transform them and that these insulin producers.Projects that in the next edition of Diabetes Experience Day will be very present as Dr. Novials herself already advanced.
The third of the most important research lines in Spain focuses on type 2 diabetes and specifically on the study of certain vital organs that have the well -known insulin resistance.
To these lines of research we must add the resources provided by technological platforms, such as biobanco with more than 10,000 blood and DNA samples, and new technologies that give some hope in the advances for control, improve and who knows ifDiabetes cure.
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