I have been afraid of readers.Someday I am surprised with the slow hand instead of the fast and vice versa, but I realize when I see the color of the pen .... the day they have similar colors, I will liar it ...
A question: What do I do if I wear fast insulin by error instead of the slow?
I have been afraid of readers.Someday I am surprised with the slow hand instead of the fast and vice versa, but I realize when I see the color of the pen .... the day they have similar colors, I will liar it ...
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
And I usually click in the dark so as not to bother my husband ... God thank you yet I have never confused ... what I usually do is that I play the plugs, the threeiba, the cap ends with an oblique cut andThe Humalog has as a double ass and the novorapid of socks is that it is metal with which it is easy to touch that because of the color the truth is that they are very similar and at night or x the morning that is still at night I do not saynothing...
"Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro"
Last year, August 1, I started vacation, total zombie, I put on 22 from Humalog instead of 22 of Lantus, I chose to run to the hospital and all I thought was whether I would give me time to arrive without falling to the ground.
I spent 8 hours connected to glucose serum, without getting from 130.
I would not have been able to eat to avoid hiccupappropriate.
The safest thing is to call emergencies, who come with serum.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Hello, as I commented on another part of the forum.
My daughter Soledad, you have to inject 60 units of Lantus in the morning, .... less than a year ago, before going to work, I injected it as usual, only when I finished putting the 60 sixty !!!!!units, I realized that I had not heard the classic Cli Cli of the penmoment my mind was white and I was paralyzed, ... I did not go to work, and I began to do glycemia controls and force her to eat sweet things.
Every time I remember it, I tremble, I can't understand how I have confused myself, a pen is ivory and the other is totally purple, ... I would like to give me an explanation ....: ((,... I have felt the worst mother in the world, ... but .... Luckily, nothing happened.hours later.
To top it off, I didn't want to take me or eat anything !!!!!!(It's mental disabled), luckily my husband helped me.
Greetings to all
Por orden de debut:
Anabel a los 4 hoy 25 años
Soledad a los 19 hoy 31 años, discapacitada mental severa e irreversible.
Mi marido Abel a los 59 hoy 62 años
Todos insulinodependientes
What a scare @ibapatri, 60 fast units !!It is a miracle that has not happened to him.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Real regina, ... God was with Solci.
I don't know what I had done if something happened to her because of me.At home, luckily, they supported me, but ... it's me the one who still didn't forgive me: ((.
Por orden de debut:
Anabel a los 4 hoy 25 años
Soledad a los 19 hoy 31 años, discapacitada mental severa e irreversible.
Mi marido Abel a los 59 hoy 62 años
Todos insulinodependientes
It is an accident, there is no blame
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Well, I tell you, yesterday that happened to me!
I had put a ratio 4 units of Apidra (I usually put between 4 and up to 8 depending on what I cease) and on the bedside table I put the toujeo, 22 units .... The fact is that I lired with needles, speaking... And when I realize ... 22 units of Apidra
Maxima alert ... at that time I had 150 meter and upof glucose, cholocolate, fruit .... Comethat he would take was to be in 800), down an arrow ... two arrows, although not exaggerated ....).Directdo for emergencies .... I arrived at 99 in blood (110 of the Dexcom and descent), and glucose in direct blood with the dropper ....
They had me there for more or less 1 hour when I uploaded it to 200 (by the way, the doctors themselves looked at the Dexcom, and then in moemos of talk they still gathered 4 and gave them a continuous measurement class because they didn't even know him ...Well yes, they knew the free that a girl came to give her a course, and I already started walking with the tamazo of the free ... they already realized that it was a scam, as soon as they saw how a dexcom workedand everything you could do).
Well, returning to the theme ... Recovered ... I went out with 200 but then I went down again but softly ... I didn't click on Toujeo, of course ... and about 5 in the morning I woke the DexcOM to 270 .... I put the toujeo in the morning (12) and so I am now (which I already woke up almost 100, for my bass).
That said ... If someone happens to someone, and it is the first time in 20 years that happened to me ... I would go directly to the Emergencies to the ambulatory (there is no need hospital), they told me "calm that that is solved easy, putBlood glucose "and rest ... (they told me that raising it is easy ... more complicated is to lower it if you arrive totally uncontrolled).
I would not have been pawn to save my trip ... It was an hour to lie there resting and nothing else.
And now the other part of the message.
Because you have quick insulins you can download the whole pen!... why can I get 60 units?
Because they do not put a stop (which can be adjustable, or not, 10uds for example) .... that you want to put 15, because you put 10, and you load 5 again with the needle put .....
But this would not happen these mistakes ... because although you want to mark 20 or 30 units ... you couldn't.
In an adult, we are already careful and still, you see ...
That said, I do not understand that ... It has happened to me by the head design a cap with the 3D - if there is no - to limit that you cannot put more than x units of fast.
On one occasion it happened to me and I am hypersensitive to the raphooked and making profiles until the effect happened.I passed terror, you have to have extreme care with that.
My tricks not to happen:
-The two insulins at the same time or with little time difference is not necessary
If the lantus is in the morning then instead of at 8 at the time of breakfast at 11
If the lantus is at night just before I went to sleep and not with dinner
-Guard them in different places, I have many times I have it out of the fridge, the lantus inside, but if both are inside in summer because it is very hot or whatever the further hand and the most hiding lantus (which uses itless)
-And as the last method one that I read to a mother (I don't remember who I'm sorry) recently.Paint with the Boli Open Boli wheel with permanent black marker La Lantus from 1 to 20 (I always wear more than 20)
And the rapid from 18 up (I always get less than 18)
So if by mistake I want to put 24 quickly I will realize that the numbers are not seen in the window.
This trick is great but it is not mine, if I find who put it I will quote it.
You plug a few gluc up with some juice, glucagon as the last option .. A advice, leave slow insulin in another place than the fast, you would not doubt, I always have it in the kitchen, and the threeiba in my roomwhere I always wear it ..
DM 1 desde Junio de 1995
Humalog Kwik Pen D-T-N
Tresiba N
Hello, it happened to me to discharge after the debut.Then I made little slow 12, thankfully, I realized and called 112, they told me to be calm and eat everything that I am prohibited, I had a bad time because I couldn't eat from my nerves, I drank a lot of water with sugar, cake... I was on a birthday.I spent 5 hours until it started up almost to infinity ... 😂
I confused myself because I was talking, because the feathers are different, Lantus and Humalog.I hope I don't happen again ...
49 años Dm1 desde 5/2017
Bomba medtronic minimed 780 desde junio 2024
Sensor guardian 4
It depends on the units you wear, but there are many, start drinking and eating sweet and calling emergencies.
The most dangerous thing is that you do not realize the mistake.
How they tell you, always in different places and can be marked with the units to put.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
A time in which I lived with a lotI told myself, I kept calm and started and drink sweet foods, calculating the HC so as not to pass me, every 30 minutes I controlled me, so during the 4 hours that makes the fast effect, I was calm and I had noProblem, only without being able to bed, I slept less, in the morning my values were normal, you don't have to get rid, not get nervous and eat things with sugar if it ever happens to you, keep calm, the glucagon does not advise it.
@"Marybe Days" 8 units by rapid error instead of slow, keep calm but in doubt glucagon and 112.-
Recently it happened to me.At nine in the morning I put myself instead of 3 or 4, 22 units of FIASP.I block me a little, but then react, I took three or four envelopes of sugar and orange juice.Call a taxi and at half past nine I was already in the emergency room.They put me glucose in vein at first drops fell, but then put the dropper to jet.I don't remember how much under blood glucose, but less than 70 I don't arrive.At 2pm I was already at home.
I agree that it is not the same to overcome 8 units as 22, 23, 30 or more that you put some, but if we are wrong, you have to calm down and put the remedy as soon as possible, with more units, for example 22, there would beRelacking in the same way I did, we have been with diabetes for many years and we know what amount of HC we have to take, another very different situation would be that happened to people who have been with the disease for a short time, in doubt, take sugar etc.And go to the emergency room.
With more than 20 units it is an urgency.If you arrive before by taxi, it is a very good idea.
And 112 if not.And the glucagon.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Hello, it depends on the sensitivity that everyone has to insulin.In my case, that in the food I put between 4-5 of Humalog, putting me 20 at once would be quite serious.I would take 2/3 sugar envelopes dissolved in water, I would take them and call running to emergency.He would not take slow hydrates (cookies, bread, cake) because if you get off a lot, that prevents you with fast sugars effect.I would be with 15 minutes house controls and, if it still goes down to take more liquid sugar (water with sugar, soft drinks, juices ..).Once you are more or less stable and even leaving it a little high (because one day you are in 200, nothing will happen to you but an abrupt drop can cause you a coma), it is when it would take slow hydrates to maintain.Greetings
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