I have it now and I do very well, there is a lot of difference sometimes and it does not give me allergy, its good things is that for example when I punctuate my slowly at night I happened to me and they do not have to wake me up at night.I recommend it
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Hello everyone, my experience has been good, I no longer detect hypoglycemia and this is a method to measure the times you need discreetly, without displaying all kinds of gadgets and clicking the finger in public.Even when its result is not as reliable as that of the finger, because it does not measure in blood, it is orientative and the arrows give you an idea of the trend and time to act.
The worst its price, and already of the shipping costs we will not talk that travel in Primary Jet, 5.95 to add to each sensor, which are no longer cheap.
Great idea of the laboratory its introduction in the market through the Internet, skipping the limits that healing can impose them, but since they have already made piggy bank, double packs should be considered with a more economical price, reduce shipping costs.... Because it is true that they are the first, but diabetics are many and a ingot for laboratories, with which others will investigate and take things to the market equally good or better, little by little that improve prices, when they leave they will eat the toastFreestyle and we will go to the competition, which is not joking the cost of these devices.
It is comfortable to look glycemia, for now I have not had allergies or defective sensors, the worst, carry that piece sheet in the arm, that the discreet that can be measured, ceases to be with the arm in the air, nobody happens to itUnnoticed the such "sheet", reducing size is a challenge for any laboratory.
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My experience, with these free freestyle sensors, is reduced to saying that they are very unstable.The first days, making a comparison with capillary blood, the difference is little (10-12 mg/dl) and, always taken, when the sensor arrow is horizontally.In this stability position, according to Abbott, the variation per minute is 1 mg/dl.Taking into account that the delay time in the measurement of the interstitial fluid is about ten minutes, because it is not bad.The problem comes when after a few days, these differences, and under the same conditions, vary increasingly increasing, the last days being differences of 60-80 mg/dl.Of the last four sensors used, the lowest value, of the comparison, has corresponded to the interstitial sensor.
In other sensors, I also had this situation but conversely, the sensor gave the high value.On several occasions I have called for ABBOTT client care to ask for an explanation.The answer, always the same, is that these differences and variations correspond to the proper functioning of the sensor.I have asked them to indicate inside the box, with a note, all the situations we can find.According to ABBOTT, a variation of up to 54% is correct (for a value of 105 mg/dl in capillary blood, it is correct 49 mg/dl measured in the sensor. It seems to me a barbarity. In most of the sensors I have used,These circumstances are repeated.
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sherpa41 said:
mine quite similar, at first it was excited, the sensors seemed to go very well, only 10% difference with the capillary but as time passed the sensors were worseAnd worse, in the end I remember that hiccup marked the whole day, when I was perfectly well.
I had to ask for new sensors that were just as evil.Some directly put them on me and told "sensor error asks for a new."A real torture, all day waiting for the delivery man to arrive with the sensors.
I also noticed that it bothered me more to wear the needle stuck and the patch stuck.At least it served me for this, to make it clear that I will never put anything that has to carry nailed to the skin or body.All news related to these devices have already stopped being interested.
That so big to wear that and what a great pleasure of not carrying anything nailed and being able to move through the bed freely without fear of hurting me with the needle or to tear off the rennet sensor (I spend a couple of times since I move a lot).
In short, I completely disappoint.
Totally agree
Total disappointment 
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Of 7 sensors, 3 have been defective giving hypoglycemia, and with alarm at night, and when analyzing the blood, 150 mg and with the 50mg freestyle sensor.
The customer service has told me that it is inside the range, something normal ... for them ...
Knowing that with 50mg you scare you of death, for the danger that it has
I don't be advised to anyone
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I have several free freeyle free 2 sensors, which give me very wrong hypoglycemia and blood glucose data, with alarms at night that scare me, does anyone have a similar experience? 
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