This is the problem-& GT;For a few days I get up with values between 90-120 and sulked 6u of insulina novorapid then I took my design 5r (usually some toast and a glass of milk) and during the last 2-3 days do I do control 2 hours later Ivalues between 160-200 come out and I don't know what can be due
160 mg/ dl The postpandreEating again, it depends on your priorities, being a little higher at 2 hours and not eating or being lower and having to eat ...
anaisabel said: If you have 50-70 not touch anything at breakfast.If you are low before the food you should download is slow.
It is not before the food is before doing gymnastics in class (which I had those days) all the other values are fine. And I thinking that I already had the controlled sugar: (((
Keep in mind that fast insulin continues to take effect after the two hours you measure, much less power but something can continue to go down the next hour.
If your basal insulin is a little high, a blood glucose close to 100 to two hours, at three hours it can be a good hypoglycemia, especially if you do something that spends energy.You have to have many variables into account.