{'en': 'Swimming and glucose levels during training', 'es': 'Natación y niveles glucosa durante entrenamiento'} Image

Swimming and glucose levels during training

02/20/2025 9:26 p.m.


I'm going to swim 1 hour 2 times a week.I swim between 1200-1700 meters according to the day.The problem is that I fail to control the levels before, during and after training.I carry the freestyle sensor.There are days that I enter with 180, I like a banana and I finish in 100. Other days I have entered in 200 I have also eaten a banana and I have finished in 250. Another day between 250 and ended in 80. Today I have entered 130,I have eaten a banana and a mejdoul dates, at 20 min was at 115 with a tendency to go down, I ate another dates and 3 glucosport pills andAlmost at the time I was in 90 and going down, I ate another dates and 3 pills, but at the time of swimming I was in 200 ...

Can anyone give me councils to work for swimming and having stable levels?No declines?What do you eat before or during training?Thank you very much 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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02/23/2025 11:48 a.m.

I swim less of that distance and sometimes upload it.I think the liver creates more sugar in the face of effort

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02/24/2025 11:10 a.m.

Good morning.

I do not swim, but I run that for effects is a sport with enough intensity.

It happens to me the same as you, but what I have realized is that at least I, I must also have the amount of hydrates I have taken in the food, and if you do not click every day the same, like me,Also the insulin that you have punctured in the food.

In order not to do this very long, I (depending on the level with which I arrive), I eat one or two María de las as always, about 15 minutes before sport, so they take effect while I am doing sports.

But all that will also depend on your level of effort in training.

Even so, each body is a world and mine does not have to be good for yours.

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02/25/2025 5:06 p.m.

Thank you very much for the tips.I am going to try with the cookies Maria and also with a small snack with turkey and avocado, to see how.

I have also read that there are sports gels that slowly release hydrates, has anyone tried one of these?Do you know how they go and what do you use?

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02/25/2025 5:30 p.m.

I understand you perfectly Cuevast.

I do not know what treatment you follow, but in my case I also have serious difficulties many times to maintain a stable blood glucose and that is not in low to start.I use bomb.

There are some gels that say they have low glycemic index, slow absorption ... The peaks are important to take them into account because after climbing very fast afterwards they go down very fast too.You have to try to take food whose digestion and metabolization take a long time, and because it takes them in advance, so that they act during the exercise, because if not, you finish the exercise and go up later, although the effect of the exercise continues to act also afterend.

It is a very difficult balance that we raise a lot of challenge, you will have to try and adjust until you find your key.I am now trying to take glucose pills when I start seeing downward trend, to cushion that descent, and start the exercise when I see the climbing trend, having taken the food that I tell you previously and having put less insulin than whichI would have corresponded to those foods.


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02/26/2025 9:25 a.m.

@Cuevast said:

Thank you very much for the tips.I am going to try with the cookies Maria and also with a small snack with turkey and avocado, to see how.

I have also read that there are sports gels that slowly release hydrates, has anyone tried one of these?Do you know how they go and what do you use?

I use gels when my blood glucose lowers me a lot.The one I use, and I think it happens with everyone, the glucose level rises quickly.

The problem that diabetics always have, is that what is worth one, may not serve another.

For myI do it once a year at most.

You will have to try it, just like the gels.

By the way I use this: Link

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