Pregnancy is a stage full of changes in the woman's body.As hormones fluctu and the body adapts to give life to a baby, certain challenges can also arise, such as gestational diabetes.

Thegestational diabetesIt is a condition in which blood sugar levels increase during pregnancy because the body does not produce enough insulin to regulate them.Although in most cases it disappears after childbirth, it is essential to detect and control it to avoid complications for both the mother and the baby.

Who is more risk of developing gestational diabetes?

Some factors may increase the probability of suffering this condition, such as:
✅ Have a family history of diabetes.
✅ Having had gestational diabetes in a previous pregnancy.
✅ Be overweight before pregnancy.
✅ Be over 25 years old.
✅ suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome.

Therefore, prenatal controls are key, since gestational diabetes is generally detected between weeks and 28 of pregnancy by glucose tests.

Why is it so important to control it?

If gestational diabetes is not handled properly, it can cause:
🔹 A greater weight of the baby at birth, which increases the possibility of complicated delivery.
🔹 Premature delivery.
🔹 Low blood sugar levels in the baby after birth.
🔹 Greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future, both for the mother and for the baby.

How can it be controlled?

💡Healthy eating: Maintain a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables and lean proteins, avoiding sugars and refined carbohydrates.
💡Glucose monitoring: Regularly measure blood sugar levels to make sure they are in an adequate range.
💡Regular exercise: Walking 30 minutes a day can make a big difference in the regulation of blood sugar.
💡Constant prenatal care: Attend all medical consultations for adequate monitoring.
💡Medication if necessary: In some cases, the doctor may recommend insulin or other treatments to control glucose.

Gestational diabetes is a reminder of how important it is to take care of health at each stage of life.If you are pregnant or plan to be, take care of your diet, stay active and consult with your doctor to guarantee a healthy pregnancy.

And remember, theinformation and supportThey can make a difference.Give the book"Live with diabetes: the power of the online community"A close person who is pregnant can help him better understand the importance of control of diabetes and feel supported by a community that shares experiences and knowledge.💙📖