App that measures you free sugar (research).He anticipates and helps you.

04/11/2017 12:28 a.m.

Siiiii, finally think of us !!!I tell you, they are doing an investment on an app that aims to measure your sugar through a logarithm (something complicated to explain).In addition, it anticipates the sugar 1 hour before it occurs.They left in the newspapers more than a year ago, and the campaign has already begun to see that everything is going well and proceed with sale.Those who enter into research (they need 1000 diabetic people) will get it for free, the others do not cost but it is something that would not give much benefit.In addition, if everything goes well, they intend to adhere to the device (smartwatch) a chip to put us insulin without needles !!!SII !!!!Here below I leave the link to sign up, I participate in the investigation and I help them.It is not a scam or anything, for this I will show you with interviews with the company Medicsen below.Now I give you the explanation of how to get into the investigation:

You enter the web, Link you want to participate, you put your name and your email and the code: RM0001.They will send you a notification message and voila.


If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact here or if I do not answer for my email: Do not lose anything !!

25 años y Granaina! Diabetes Mellitus (Tipo 1) desde 1993, Asma Bronquial y Bronquitis crónica 2009, Celiacuia 2011 y mi ultima amiga Esclerosis Múltiple (2013).
No luches contra ellas, baila con ellas!
Tresiba 0-0-22 Novorapid 0-4-5 Freestyle Libre y I-port

04/11/2017 1:06 a.m.

I don't know, after 26 years I am already cured of fright and until I see it I will not believe it.Even so, I follow them on Twitter and I am also participating in what you say but ... for now it is smoke, as many have already been.The contact with them is fluid and friendly but ... realities there are still no.I wish everything was true, for now, another fantasy.

Diabético tipo I desde 1990 y tengo 53 tacos. En Abril de 2017 con Minimed 640g y su MCG. Hoy estoy con Minimed 780G. Financiado MCG por la SS desde Junio-2018. Hipertensión arterial y ocular. Colesterol. Operado de 2 hernias discales cervicales (C5-C6 y C6-C7) pero con diagnóstico de "Operación fallida". La diabetes todo me lo perjudica....y nos arruina, la Seguridad Social debería financiar A TODOS!!!!! no cuando estás medio muerto como a mí!!!
Última HBA1C: 6,5% (después de muchos años en 9%)

04/11/2017 1:30 a.m.

sllf said:
I don't know, after 26 years I am already cured of fright and until I see it I will not believe it.Even so, I follow them on Twitter and I am also participating in what you say but ... for now it is smoke, as many have already been.The contact with them is fluid and friendly but ... realities there are still no.I wish everything was true, for now, another fantasy.

Hopefully!I am young, I have been all diabetic life too, they have disappointed me several but they, or so I hope ... do not fail me!

25 años y Granaina! Diabetes Mellitus (Tipo 1) desde 1993, Asma Bronquial y Bronquitis crónica 2009, Celiacuia 2011 y mi ultima amiga Esclerosis Múltiple (2013).
No luches contra ellas, baila con ellas!
Tresiba 0-0-22 Novorapid 0-4-5 Freestyle Libre y I-port

04/11/2017 12:25 p.m.

Good morning, I contacted them a long time ago and the truth is that they treated me very well, they are
dedicating their lives and time to facilitate life to type1 diabetics, they are Spanish, young entrepreneurs,
What better than to support them in what you can, we are already registered, and we have a joint dream, the one who
They can do the treatment with a patch connected to the app, painless and without needles.It's time for us to
Let us get a little all diabetics and leave so much pessimism, it is not a cure, but it is a large relief if they get it, and we can pass between quotes of the disease, and leave the needles and bombs connected to a bidder.We would see what would have happened if they were Americans, but I already tell you they are Spanish and very well prepared.

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04/12/2017 12:20 a.m.

fanafrezza said:
good morning, I contacted them a long time ago and the truth is that they treated me very well, they are
dedicating their lives and time to facilitate life to type1 diabetics, they are Spanish, young entrepreneurs,
What better than to support them in what you can, we are already registered, and we have a joint dream, the one who
They can do the treatment with a patch connected to the app, painless and without needles.It's time for us to
Let us get a little all diabetics and leave so much pessimism, it is not a cure, but it is a large relief if they get it, and we can pass between quotes of the disease, and leave the needles and bombs connected to a bidder.We would see that they would have happened if they were Americans, but I already tell you they are Spanish and very well prepared.

Sip, they are friendly and very friendly!They try to help us because they live it and have lived it.I think they can help us a lot!

25 años y Granaina! Diabetes Mellitus (Tipo 1) desde 1993, Asma Bronquial y Bronquitis crónica 2009, Celiacuia 2011 y mi ultima amiga Esclerosis Múltiple (2013).
No luches contra ellas, baila con ellas!
Tresiba 0-0-22 Novorapid 0-4-5 Freestyle Libre y I-port

04/12/2017 5:03 p.m.

Fabulas and more fabulas not to sleep !!!!!!!!!!!!<:-P <:-P <:-P

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04/12/2017 11:27 p.m.

ani said:
fabulas and more fables not to sleep !!!!!!!!!!!!& lt;

Fabula is not ... Link
Why not try?

25 años y Granaina! Diabetes Mellitus (Tipo 1) desde 1993, Asma Bronquial y Bronquitis crónica 2009, Celiacuia 2011 y mi ultima amiga Esclerosis Múltiple (2013).
No luches contra ellas, baila con ellas!
Tresiba 0-0-22 Novorapid 0-4-5 Freestyle Libre y I-port

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