Yes, I am.By the way, hello everyone again.I am still on diabetic vacation, I am no longer president of anything, or participate in anything.I am disconnecting all a while.But I wanted to enter because I am super happy and I don't know who tells him that I can value me in his right measure the reason for my joy.And I know you will.
Today I have put the Continuous Guardian RT measurement sensor.Yes, it is testing.Yes, it will be one or two weeks.Yes, it is not mine, but of Medtronic, who has lent me (by the way, thank you).I know everything.But still, from this noon I know what it is to be able to see at all times how much sugar I have, and see my trends, notices for hip (I still have none) and all the enormous advantages offered by this device.
I'm going to be happy for a week.I will enjoy it.I will try to see what happens in my body when I don't look at myself (which is almost all day, nights included).I will try to learn and extract the maximum possible conclusions.And if there is luck, I will try to run to a country without extradition treaty with Spain so as not to have to return this wonder.Give me a continuous measurement sensor and I am happy.I don't need more.And now I have it, I am happy.
I wanted you to know.
I am happier than a worm.
When the end of the loan arrives, I will cry more than when Waldo, my dear and scholar Armadillo died.But I will overcome it.I may of the drink or deliver me completely to the robopilinguis in an ecstasy of carnal enjoyment.Or maybe I dedicate myself to wandering hospital in hospital looking among their garbage if perhaps they have thrown a Guardian or a Dexcom who have broken ... I don't know.But after taking it off, it is sure to say more force than ever ... I want a continuous meter !!!!