According to my little English it looks like a device or a program to assess macular damage or retinopathy, I don't know. And it is for mobiles with Android.
I have no idea if it serves something or not.Does anyone know anything about this?
Hi Alea: This is a program with which you can do Amsler's test without having to carry the cardboard that sometimes gave ophthalmologists to self -visction. Amsler test --- & GT; This "Atunes" program: what it does is:
The maculalates is an electronic test that serves the same function as Amsler's grid, but with several advantages:
1) It is interactive -which allows you to record the distortion zone when touching the screen.The recorded image is saved with date and time for you to teach your doctor, as well as compare the previous images to see if there are changes.
2) It is located on your iPhone / iPod Touch - so you don't lose it.
3) Our free "Insertion Notification" is a feature that remembers testing at regular intervals - so you don't forget to use it.