Action protocol at school when wearing insulin bomb
05/19/2011 10:39 a.m.
Hello, I wanted to know if any of you know a book or have given you any protocol to give at school to inform teachers about insulin bombs and the steps to follow if the bomb alarm sounds, is that inMy hospital have nothing similar and in my school the teachers show interest although it is very little of school but it would be more calm: P
Lucia, 12 años en tratamiento con bomba de insulina desde los 7
@luciana, just we have made a "homemade" manual with photos, for school, with the main performances: Bolus Wizard, disconnection in pool ... and we are in contact via Whatssap for any eventuality First they received diabetes formation by the Diabetes Association, with a specific talk for schools.
You are very brave, I would not let a teacher play my son's bomb, it is very dangerous because they punish him badly .... I do not know, I have only explained the operation of the glucometer and that they must do in case of low.
Good afternoon. My grandson is 3 years old and D 1;Tomorrow they put the bomb and we have no protocol for the school and we are very worried. You could please send us the one you have.
Hi @Emp: You have to demand the endocrinology team that is treated by an action protocol for you and a copy to be able to deliver it to school.I can't believe that they have not given you a protocol ...