Pabloj2000, I'm glad that the MCG has managed to improve the control of your diabetes and have won in life.
I have little experience with the MCG.For my point of view the profile is something different from pump patients.With what you expose, you seem like a good candidate for insulin bomb, especially for inadvertent hypoglycemia;Usually with infusor it is greatly reduced glycemic variability and reduce hypoglycemia (with this it does in many cases that you notice them again, so that continuous monitoring is not so necessary; in fact I have a patient who did not notice hypoglycemia andHe had a lot of sensitivity to insulin, with the pump the variability was reduced and he had less hypoglycemia, noticing them).The insulin pump usually goes well for people with irregular schedules, since you can modify your basal profiles, make temporal basals if you exercise or in a disease situation, different types of bowling (normal, square, dual, extended, in your case they couldcome well);It has also been shown that HBA1C low point compared to multiple injections.
The continuous monitor associated with the pump gives another aid: the so -called "Low Glucose suspend", which stops the pump when the glycemia drops above a certain level (it would be indicated in patients with inadvertent hypoglycemia despite carrying the pump).This is a candidate patient profile.Others could be pediatric patients;For a few days in a patient, when the reason for insufficient diabetes control is not clarified, ...
Continuous glucose monitor problems: The patient should know how to interpret the data and make appropriate decisions based on them, if it is not of little use.The MCG must be calibrated with hair glycemia (so the punctures of the finger are not eliminated) and when there are many high/low the blood glucose that reflects the MCG can vary to the capillary.It continues to take a pot 24 h a day.For me, MCG today is for very specific patients and I do not see clear universal financing for public health.
In the coming months, there will be news in glucose measurement systems that promise to be quite interesting.