The insulin bomb bothers me a lot and I want to remove it, despite its benefits in the infusion of insulin against the bolis.Has anyone here changing bomb to Bolis and how has it gone?
Has anyone removed the pump?
The insulin bomb bothers me a lot and I want to remove it, despite its benefits in the infusion of insulin against the bolis.Has anyone here changing bomb to Bolis and how has it gone?
Hi Warholism, because I have removed it after provise 4 months and run out of SS material.I also had to use the bolis again.) .. This is very personal, I have not convinced me ..
Have you used the new bombs that go without catheter?
I have never wanted to pump and I don't have it.I am waiting for the smallest bombs that do not carry catheter, those that are put as the sensors.
Do you have any experience with these bombs?
chuan said:
hello warholism, because I have removed it after provise 4 months and run out of SS material.I also had to use the bolis again.) .. This is very personal, I have not convinced me ..
I carry just over that time and the truth is that I understand you perfectly, it is a break.He has good things about the accuracy of insulin management, so he tells me to remove it, I tried once and it was a total lack of control.☹️
juanol said:
have you used the new bombs those that go without catheter?
I have never wanted to pump and I don't have it.I am waiting for the smallest bombs that do not carry catheter, those that are put as the sensors.
Do you have some experience with these bombs?Mine goes without a catheter.With catheter I have no experience, so I cannot compare or in control of insulin or discomfort, I can only say that without catheter it is a break, but that already depends on the life of each one and if it compensates for its operation.As I said to Chuan, the precision in terms of the amount of insulin is great, and that the amount of the basal can be configured just what you need at all times, in the face of the irregularity of the bowls.
warholism said:
insulin bomb bothers me a lot and I want to remove it, despite its benefits in the infusion of insulin in front of the bowls.Has anyone here changing bomb to Bolis and how has it gone?
Hello, I took 3 years ago.What cost me at the beginning was to accommodate the amount of slow.I made it guided by my doctor.But then the values were accommodated.
As my Tocayo Serrat said, everyone is each one, and lower the stairs as they can.I have the bomb a year ago and yes, hinders.You have to look for accommodation, and sometimes it is there in the middle, like the brother -in -law.Of course, figures like the ones you see in the image (it is not a selected moment, they are the figures at the same moment in which I write the comment) are unattainable without a pump in my case, and they deserve the hindrance.Stoping almost completely hearing hyper and hypoglycemia alarms is a luxury, especially at night (and telling my wife ...: d)
Courage, kid@s !!-Width: 300px;
You can get those levels without pump, they are not easy but they can.
warholism said:
juane said:
have you used the new bombs those that go without catheter?
I have never wanted to pump and I don't have it.I am waiting for the smallest bombs that do not carry catheter, those that are put as the sensors.
Do you have some experience with these bombs?Mine goes without a catheter.With catheter I have no experience, so I cannot compare or in control of insulin or discomfort, I can only say that without catheter it is a break, but that already depends on the life of each one and if it compensates for its operation ...
Is Ommipod?
En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?
juance said:>
those levels can be obtained without pump, they are not easy but they can.
Yes, I suppose it depends on each one, how unstable each one's disease is.In my case it was unfeasible without paying a price in high hypoglycemia.
Good, I tell you a little my sheet and see if it serves as an experience.
I have practically 1 year with the Medtronic 780G and Guardian 4, after 22 years with the use of feathers.
To me, as many of us sold the bomb like the cane .. but I think this is a mistake because each person needs a treatment according to their diabetes and lifestyle and this is the principle of individuality.
During all these years, I have always been on top of my diabetes I have had average glycos of 6.1-6.3 but from the COVID and with the closure of Gym´s and others, I got a lot of uncontrolled and there was no way (blessed pildora that of sport).
The main and unique reason for the change to pump was really to be able to better died the hypos with the exercise during, or the post -exercise nights because the sensitivity changes a lot and that, they say that with the pump it is solved.
Now and here comes the important thing, I put the bomb ... it's time to do reset.
-Problems with the cannulas that initially had no way of identifying and that partners per group of Wasap think that it is sure is the subject of ratios with the meals or that the bomb has to learn .... I speak of this months, because the staffhealth ... advice little.
-How the change of cannulas is a drama, the pump in automatic was not able to take the rhythm .. of course .. it is not the same to put insulin and that it works well, that every 2x3 there is an obstruction or acoding and the bomb sayNow you need more insulin (caused by the acoding itself).
-This causes that being called the "rare" step by mode manual and of course ... how are you going to do that if the good of the bomb is that it goes automatically ...
Now the day by day .....
After saved all these problems, now I see that my lifestyle is different ... today it is still a drama to go for a walk, or control a hyperglycemia caused by a UGP and this is because with the bomb, there are onlyfast insulin and this is good and bad in equal parts ... it lasts little but acts fast ...
This means that I can be in 230 because I fell short, but if I move around the house to clean a little in a 20min question, it is marking 150 with two arrows down.(I insist, I'm in manual)
Right now, I find myself in a situation to give the automatic a chance taking into account the issue of the cannulas is resolved or return to feathers, because the improvement line is very fleeting.
Well, that's why I don't want to bomb, for the cannulas and for being "watching" ... I don't know anything automatic.
And yes, each one is different and not all of the insulin bombs are all good.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
@Marine, if you get a 6 glyc with bolis, it does not seem to me that the bomb has a lot of advantage ... we will wait for real automatons.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
regina said:
@marine, if a 6 -glyc of 6 with bolis is achieved, it does not seem to me that the pump has a lot of advantage .. we will wait for them to be real automatons.
I do not agree there because it is not only to reach that 6, but how you arrive ... hence the variability is increasingly important.
Good @whaholism, I also stopped using the insulin pump and returned to the feathers, but in my case it is different.My problem was that I did not get used to the only bomb that at that time offered me from the hospital, the 780g of Medtronic.Previously I used Roche's Accouchek Combo for 8 year and it went very well.By this I mean that it is no longer just deciding between bomb or bowl, but also among the pump options themselves.
I do want insulin bomb linked to a sensor, it seems to me that it facilitates disease management, but not in exchange for a worse quality of life, which happened to me with the Medtronic bomb.
DM 1 desde el siglo pasado :) (agosto 1998).
Bomba Accuchek Aviva Combo con novorapid de mayo 2015 a mayo 2023. Tras probar unos meses la bomba medtronic 780g vuelvo a las plumas hasta dar con una bomba que se ajuste a mí (y yo a ella)
Freestyle libre 2 desde octubre 2020.
También con gastritis autoinmune.
I believe that you can have good control with little variability, a matter of knowing you a lot and managing the insulins, in my case I do not want the bomb, they have offered it several times and for the moment I do not see an advantage.
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