{'en': 'Chronic fatigue syndrome', 'es': 'Sindrome de Fatiga Crónica'} Image

Chronic fatigue syndrome

01/19/2025 6:58 p.m.

Hi, do you have type 1 diabetes and also chronic fatigue syndrome?I have tired outbreaks for many years that prevent me from leading an active life.I carry the controlled diabetes, good glygic hemoglobin etc ... maybe it is something that has nothing to do with my diabets.Thanks for your help !!

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01/20/2025 3:51 a.m.

Héctor, can it be anemia due to lack of vitamin?B 12?Have you made you analyze you looking for the cause of fatigue?

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

01/20/2025 11:53 a.m.

Hi Regina, thank you very much for your answer.They have made me analytics of many things, including the B12, a multitude of times and several doctors of different specialties.They have not known how to give me an explanation.

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01/20/2025 1:55 p.m.

I don't have it chronic, it happens to me sometimes and I feel useless.I commented with the endocrine and did not give me a clear answer.

I get tired and work by willpower but that I am not comfortable in the bed.It is exhaustion and neglect.It costs me until I think.These days I do mechanical tasks, which do not require effort and ingenuity.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

01/20/2025 3:12 p.m.

Thank you very much for the Ruthbia answer.The truth, I liked to know that I am not alone, that I am not the only one that happens to me.I feel a little with the same symptoms as you.The truth, I do not know if it has any relationship with diabetes, but it is already difficult to manage diabetes, as well as to dener to face these additional problems.As I have felt very identified, I have sent you a personal message, explaining everything with more details.Encouragement !!

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01/22/2025 3:44 p.m.

Hello, Héctor

I have diagnosed fibromyalgia but not chronic fatigue syndrome, although I would say I also have it ...

You are just not, sure there are more diabetics/-As that can have it

Encouragement to all/--as that we have to do and, tell you that I also have pre-menopausic osteoporosis (I was diagnosed both at the same time, due to a doll fall and breakage ...)

I have a disability of more than 60% in their day, now I would look at me I have much more) so I can't work.I say this for your comments, to do routine things when you feel more tired ...


01/22/2025 4:06 p.m.

Hi Mercè,

Thank you very much for telling me I'm not alone.Sometimes you think you are a weirdo, because there are many people with diabetes and very good quality of life.

I also have some pain but fatigue is what bothers me the most.I hope we can get better in some way.They gave me tramadol and it helped me a lot, but I don't like it because it creates addiction ...

Well encouragement !!

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01/29/2025 12:19 a.m.

It happens to me exactly the same as you, I have nothing to add, unless normal evolution seems when you have been with this backpack for many years.

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01/29/2025 4:27 p.m.

Hello, but there are many type 1 diabetics that lead a normal life or have other problems ... but I do not see a relationship between a "controlled" diabetes with many years of evolution and the "chronic fatigue syndrome".I don't know if you or others have more information about it.What symptoms do you have?

ref666 said:
@ref666 said:

It happens to me exactly the same as you, I have nothing to add, unless normal evolution seems when you have been with this backpack for many years.

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01/30/2025 10:32 a.m.

Hi Hector!Well, I don't think it is for the years of evolution, I just had 3 years that I have type 1 diabetes, well controlled, gyzed 5.9.IsTruth that I have anemia and I am medical for her;But I have not lifted a season, I'm very tired, my day to day is uphill.I just told a friend today that since I have diabetes I have plummeted.I have always been a person with a lot of vitality and very active, but now I do a whole world.Although I sleep well, I get tired and drag all day.

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01/31/2025 4:18 p.m.

Hi Cassie,

It happens to me exactly the same, although it sleeps 12 hours, many times I wake up shattered.It also goes out.Sometimes very bad days and others a little better.As you say, I do not think it is related to the years of evolution with diabetes.

If it is true, that I spent many years with many hypoglycemia and I don't know if it can be related.

I now carry a small patch pump connected the free freestyle 3 and with Androidaps closed loop and I am very well controlled.But in the past I was very bad above all of tiredness, they even gave me a permanent total inability because I was unable to fulfill my work.

Perhaps there is some more component than this related to diabetes, but the endocrine has failed to find anything in my controls that explain this fatigue.

Encouragement !!

Cassie said:
@Cassie said:

Hi Hector!Well, I don't think it is for the years of evolution, I just had 3 years that I have type 1 diabetes, well controlled, gyzed 5.9.IsTruth that I have anemia and I am medical for her;But I have not lifted a season, I'm very tired, my day to day is uphill.I just told a friend today that since I have diabetes I have plummeted.I have always been a person with a lot of vitality and very active, but now I do a whole world.Although I sleep well, I get tired and drag all day.

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02/02/2025 12:31 p.m.

Hello, Héctor.

Well, there must be a relationship, why I am the same as you and I see that we are not the only ones.What happens is that they do not know how to give an explanation.I have been diabetic and very well controlled for 46 years.So because of lack of control I don't think.The dent that the years of illness do, it could be, yes.

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02/03/2025 6:11 p.m.

@Soniabb said:

Hello, Héctor.

Well, there must be a relationship, why I am the same as you and I see that we are not the only ones.What happens is that they do not know how to give an explanation.I have been diabetic and very well controlled for 46 years.So because of lack of control I don't think.The dent that the years of illness do, it could be, yes.

Hi Sonia,

Maybe you are right, and there is some relationship they don't find.He knows me badly for you, but me"Relieve" see that we are a few, as you say, and that I am not the only one I receive double "fat" of health.

Let's see if we get among all that find a medical explanation to these tiredness/chronic fatigue outbreaks we have.Are you diagnosed with any of those who have written "chronic fatigue"?Have you commented with doctors?I have visited a lot of doctors and nothing ...

Encouragement !!

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02/03/2025 6:39 p.m.

No, I am not diagnosed with chronic fatigue.And they don't know what to tell me.

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02/03/2025 7:47 p.m.

I have found several articles that relate diabetes to fatigue.

I leave two in case you want to take a look:



DM1 desde 1982: Toujeo+Novorapid

02/03/2025 11:04 p.m.

@Ricki21 said:

I have found several articles that relate diabetes to fatigue.

I leave two in case you want to take a look:



Munas thanks

However, they are more indicated items for when diabetes is not controlled optimally.What we try to express, is when chronic fatigue and its outbreaks appear, while type 1 diabetes being more or less controlled.

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02/11/2025 8:35 a.m.

I join your group, friends!Diabetic for 47 years, bad control and if regular.With 25 I had an accident that changed everything, until that day it was "a machine" physically, at the hospital discharge began the "new life" marked especially by the lack of night rest.For many years I throw away, but for perhaps ten fatigue became extreme.In short: depression, chronic kidney disease, sleep apneas, overweight ... In the last 5 or 6 years I have got to work to take care of myself and even contributed to worsen fatigue and I have reduced the medication for the medication for thehypertension.Now I am putting your foot around the A. Uric.I have reduced as 10 kg of weight, left the astudal that produced an edema of milk, I am happy with my partner, I have no important problems, but I still sleep badly not, fatal.This is where I subscribe your story: a lifetime of calculations (what you eat, what you drink, what you click, you already know the challenge ...) of decision making, "bad conscience" if you eat this or drink that.... by force it must generate an anxiety of milk, and it does not let us rest.

I have to leave it at this point that I go to the work.

Greetings to Todes.

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02/18/2025 1:27 p.m.

Hello @fsp4434

Welcome to the group .... What you say about sleep is fundamental.I improved a lot with a sleeping medication, with an antidepressant and also with a closed bombing system with a sensor.I'm glad you have put on "get to work" and keep fighting !! Do not discourage you, sometimes you get worse, but then, if you take care of yourself in general, you will feel better. Congratulations on weight reduction, it happens to meOtherwise, I can't gain weight hehehe ... Yes, we have lived a life by juggling and in the end it emotionally affects.

fsp4434 said:

I join your group, friends!Diabetic for 47 years, bad control and if regular.With 25 I had an accident that changed everything, until that day it was "a machine" physically, at the hospital discharge began the "new life" marked especially by the lack of night rest.For many years I throw away, but for perhaps ten fatigue became extreme.In short: depression, chronic kidney disease, sleep apneas, overweight ... In the last 5 or 6 years I have got to work to take care of myself and even contributed to worsen fatigue and I have reduced the medication for the medication for thehypertension.Now I am putting your foot around the A. Uric.I have reduced as 10 kg of weight, left the astudal that produced an edema of milk, I am happy with my partner, I have no important problems, but I still sleep badly not, fatal.This is where I subscribe your story: a lifetime of calculations (what you eat, what you drink, what you click, you already know the challenge ...) of decision making, "bad conscience" if you eat this or drink that.... by force it must generate an anxiety of milk, and it does not let us rest.

I have to leave it at this point that I go to the work.

Greetings to Todes.

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02/19/2025 5:20 p.m.

Hi @Hector.No, fortunately I have not diagnosed chronic fatigue, although it is true that depressive syndrome, kidney disease, poor night rest ... you add a little overweight and more pleasure for rest than for the exercise because I am there, inThis plane of life doing the opposite of what is preached today.I am from Cerdanyola del Vallés, in Barcelona and they control me in the H. Parc Taulì of Sabadell.Freestyle 2, Toujeo and Novorapid.Now I am in the doors of operating of cataracts, which has earned me another dissertation (well -intentioned is) of the ophthalmologist.What I commented above: we do not have enough with our conscience that we have also to endure the plates of the health world, but it is what there is !!!They have and feel that duty.


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02/24/2025 11:47 a.m.

Encouragement and take care, I live near Barcelona also but take me in the Clinic.I think it would be very good for you to put insulin bomb with closed loop and you will greatly improve the control.In the Parc Taulí they put it ... as an example of fighting you can enter the Instagram of this diabetic girl Link

I see that you continue working for what your chronic fatigue is perhaps more for your problems in general of diabetes etc and I don't know if you have a "chronic fatigue syndrome" as such ...

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