@gala91 said:
Hello everyone, I would like to know your opinion and experiences (especially those that have been mothers being diabetic).
I am 33 years old, married for 2 years, and for the first time my husband and I are considering being parents, to the point that in my last review with the endocrine I told me and I have changed the treatment to start preparing my body for pregnancy, raising dose of insulin, adjusting the diet with the aim of lowering the glycosylated the maximum possible, since this last time I came out 6.8Gestation
The fact is that when I have explained the values that I should have for a pregnancy I have taken my hands to my head, you have to reach a glycosylated below 6.5 (something that with a little more effort I think I can get without problem) but what has left me stunned is that the ideal range during the day had to be between 70 and 140, instead of 180 ... SHonestly, this seems frankly impossible to get, especially after a meal.
I am one of those who controls your diabetes and I have almost never had glycosylated above 7, but the peaks of the meals do not take them away from me, and after a meal never low from 160-170 (unless it does not eat any hydrates, which in a pregnancy does not think it is convenient).
This has led me to consider if it is a good idea to be a mother or throw in the towel, because if you already have a child it is a huge challenge and it is a great effort for any woman, if it will suppose this about effort in my illness having to go hungry and have stress and anxiety for not going from certain values, I want my desire, the truth.
I have put the sensor to control my levels 24h before looking for the Emabrazo and learning from my body, and I see impossible not to move from those ranges, in fact practically every day I pass from 140 at some point, go.
Anyway, if there is any mom among us who tells me how he did this because I see him unfeasible.
Thank you
Hello Gala, first tell you that I have not had pregnancy and that there is indeed a pregnancy thread of many entries and many diabetic women and many years of evolution that their pregnancies and children have had.But I dare to make this comment because I am a health and I have type 1 diabetes of more than 40 years of evolution and I raised it at the time.
First tell you that this range is not impossible, in fact, it is true that it is recommended, we are obviously not machines and you can ever go wrong but the goal is that range most of the time possible.I currently have a 5.9 gyrus and I follow a low food in hydrates.Hydrates are practically in all foods, there are hydrates in vegetables and legumes, you don't have to eat paste or rice or potato that are high glycemic index and in pregnancy, where the limits are stricter, they will give you a large peak.You will have a good diet and balanced with meats, fish, vegetables, legumes, dairy, nuts etc, and it is not a problem.In fact diabetics that before pregnancy performed.Already a low diet in HC, during pregnancy they have continued to perform it and moreover, I know many cases of those, in which pregnancy has been at term (you know that many times they anticipate it) with a normal weight (you also know that they are usually of greater weight than usual) and vaginal births (due to weight often schedule caesarean section).
It all depends on each one, your evolution time, the existence or not on any complication, on the desire you have ... in short, it is your decision and a very personal issue.You can and in fact when you see the thread you will see it.And that range can be reached, it is not impossible.
During the first trimester the risk of hypoglycemia increases and insulin will lower you enough, but from the third quarter it is the opposite, they greatly increase insulin needs and you can even put the triple of what you normally put on, both basal and quickly.All of that is normal.You would have many reviews with the endocrine, baconologist and ophthalmologist.It is a pregnancy that is considered risky and that is why it is a team that takes you, but today, with the techniques there is, it does not have to be a problem and is at the level of a multiple pregnancy or with other pathologies.They may raise the pump because the control seems to be easier.
In my case I did not contemplate it for the years of evolution, my work and other personal issues and we decided not to do it but the endocrine encouraged me, yes, he told me that the better better so that the DB years did not continue to increase.
If you want and you feel, it is not an impediment, any pregnancy can be complicated unexpectedly and many times if you already control yourself before gestation, there may even be less paradoxically risk.But I already tell you that it is a very personal issue, you will have to be very aware of your controls and obviously, you will also have to work on the psychological aspect because it is 9 months with an important discipline and there is a risk of obsessing a lot.There is also the work aspect, there are women who take low or reduction of working hours because medical reviews are very frequent.
Decide what you decide will be the right thing.
Stop by the thread and you will have more first hand.