{'en': 'New with the insulin pump: YPSOMED MYLIFE YPSOPUMP + FREESYLE FREE 3', 'es': 'Nuevo con la bomba de insulina: Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + FreeStyle Libre 3'} Image

New with the insulin pump: YPSOMED MYLIFE YPSOPUMP + FREESYLE FREE 3

04/24/2024 10:30 a.m.

A year ago I was waiting day to put on the insulin bomb, that day arrived yesterday !!!

I have to say that yesterday I was very nervous with the change, it has been 26 years using the insulin bolis, after a session of almost 3 hours learning to configure the pump, change the reservoir, put the catheter, etc ... I leftFor home like a child with new shoes.

My experience so far when they have not yet spent 24 hours with her, the first thing, I find it very rare not having to think about calculating insulin and corrections with the bowls, I have the constant feeling that insulin is forgotten, andI do check routines that I no longer need, to let the pump do all the calculations, it is a luxury ... I mentally free me from a load.

Yesterday for dinner, I think I did not calculate the hydrates that I put for dinner and I had my first hypoglycemia with the pump, I will say that I recovered very easy and in a short time, as the amount I administer is little and read the sensor continuously, when it detects downward trend stops alone, in addition to showing an alert, I will say that all that worked very well and that the recovery did not excessively shot my glucose.

Tonight I have been able to sleep quite well, I was surprised by the stability of the glucose with which I have risen, I am target 110 mg/dl and it has nailed it !!

I find it weird to take the new pot caught to the belt, or in my pocket, the cable is also quite new, so I am very careful so that I do not get hooked anywhere, I think I will get used to quickly, but ofmoment, I still notice.

I have to get used to carrying the device safely, this morning I have gone to the offices on a motorcycle, and when I got off the motorcycle I had the pump hanging from the cable ... often fright ... Look that if I lose the bomb the firstday of carrying it ... I am a disaster!😅😅😅

Anyway, for the moment everything good, learning to use it and with great enthusiasm and desire to refine its use well.

I leave here the bomb link, in case you want to take a look.


Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

04/24/2024 11:03 a.m.

Congratulations @Fer !!!The truth is that it is a very good bomb, I have been working with the Camaps FX algorithm and has been a before and after.I use it connected to the Dexcom G6 although I have at home waiting for the G7 (in the absence of updating the application to be able to use it).You'll end up getting used to the cable ... It has also happened to going on the motorcycle and the pump hanging ... hahaha the good thing is that as the pump weighs so little, the catheter endures its weight well.

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04/24/2024 6:25 p.m.

If you are happy, it is the important thing!
The catheter is panic, I am Doña infections every time I carry a way.

Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.

04/24/2024 6:56 p.m.

Oysters, because I have not fallen @ruthbia, I will be sharing the experience here.

At the moment in line with what I also commented @Cassie and the results, although it has not been much time, if I see that the glucose curves are better better ... surprisingly stable, I am delighted, the truth.

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

04/24/2024 11:11 p.m.

Congratulations, it is a good combo, I have been combined and very happy (before I tried the Roche and Menarini but the first gave me problems and the second had distribution problems and I had to change) ... fromThat learns between 20 and 30 days is much better (without going wrong at the beginning) ... I carry a specific fannyPump and it almost does not notice ... above all it shows when you leave out that you manage the bowling from the super comfortable mobile and that you forget a little, especially the nights are much more stable and even if you go to regret regular you get up perfect...

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04/25/2024 1:49 p.m.

Cassie said:
congratulations @fer !!!The truth is that it is a very good bomb, I have been working with the Camaps FX algorithm and has been a before and after.I use it connected to the Dexcom G6 although I have at home waiting for the G7 (in the absence of updating the application to be able to use it).You'll end up getting used to the cable ... It has also happened to going on the motorcycle and the pump hanging ... hahaha the good thing is that as the pump weighs so little, the catheter endures its weight well.

I think that for the G7 you will have to wait because Ypsomed did not yet pronounce on whether you will update from G6 to G7 so I think that before that they will change us to free3 that Dexcom 7.
And the issue of applications does not have it too fast, people with iOS have been waiting for more than a year for the app and to fix dexconexions in Android 14 more than 5 months were thrown to get an update that fixed the problem.

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04/25/2024 3:20 p.m.

@Jasom I already have 7 boxes from the Dexcom G7 at home, they have told me from the hospital that it will surely be for June the change, so they have sent it to me, because when my grid of G6 "is finite" and I will start with the new.
I don't know you but Ypsomed sends me the inputs together with Dexcom (in the same box), I mean they have to go hand in hand.Yesterday I had the first camaps update, the same is already cooking something.The bomb is already prepared to link with Dexcom, it has only to look for it via Bluetooth.As for iOS is Apple who has not just updated Cam Aps .... which is an annoyance, because I also use iPhone and I have to go with 2 phones at the moment .... so patience.

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04/25/2024 5:22 p.m.

I only say it because when they put the system already automatically with the Dexcom in July last year to one of those in the formation and that it had an iPhone the commercial told him that in September or October there was already going to be a version foriPhone, and we are almost in May 24 and still is ready.
This week's camca update was to correct the problem of disconnections with Android 14 that had been pending from her since November ..
I wish they will start with the G7 in July but I have not hope

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04/25/2024 9:24 p.m.

Congratulations, Fer, because it is a good decision.In the end it will be the best treatment for everyone.

Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20

01/18/2025 12:14 p.m.

Good morning, I write here because this thread seems quite recent and some of you have just started with the Ypsomed bomb, which I understand that you have been with it at least six months.I have been with Medtronic 780 for two years and Guardian sensor.And fatal!The pump is super comfortable with the glucose to 180-200 and as soon as it goes below 120 I cut my insulin because it thinks that it will give me hypoglycemia.And after three visits to the endocrine in the end he has decided to try this other because my analytical values ​​were terrible and the truth is that I am scared that the story is repeated.

How are you the general lines?Control hyperglycemia?


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01/18/2025 8:46 p.m.

I have had to climb the objective glycemia because it lowered me too much, I think that over time it can be adjusted well so that it stays well in the range.

Compared to bolis is much better, but it also has its things ...

Diabetes Tipo 1 desde 1.998 | FreeStyle Libre 3 | Ypsomed mylife YpsoPump + CamAPS FX | Sin complicaciones. Miembro del equipo de moderación del foro.

Autor de Vivir con Diabetes: El poder de la comunidad online, parte de los ingresos se destinan a financiar el foro de diabetes y mantener la comunidad online activa.

01/22/2025 3:50 p.m.

Hello, I also have it since June of this year and in general I am very happy.

That the algorithm always seeks to place you around your glycemia target figure is much better.And so, it is expected to avoid the complications when there is a long time diagnosed with diabetes ...

It is a pass, the bad I think are the sensors that still fail enough.


02/02/2025 5:53 p.m.

Hello good afternoon, finally in March they put the YPSOPump, I come from Roche's Insight with Androidaps and Dexcom G6.

How many of you have free3 and come from the Dexcom G6?

I do not know whether to continue with the G6 that I already know or ask for free3 since the system admits either.

Everyone speaks very well of 3 but I don't know if it can be equivalent to G6.

Thank you.

Diagnosticado, enero 2000
Libre, abril del 2020
Bomba Accu-Chek Insight, julio 2017
con Aps desde octubre del 2019
HbA1c: 7 %

02/03/2025 10:07 a.m.

@Jaume said:

Hello good afternoon, finally in March they put the YPSOPump, I come from Roche's Insight with Androidaps and Dexcom G6.

How many of you have free3 and come from the Dexcom G6?

I do not know whether to continue with the G6 that I already know or ask for free3 since the system admits either.

Everyone speaks very well of 3 but I don't know if it can be equivalent to G6.

Thank you.

Hello good.

I tell you my particular case, I had been with Camaps and Dexcom since mid -2023 and my endocrine changed to free 3

I started with free 3 weeks ago and in general the subject of precision quite even with the Dexcom, the truth in that aspect surprised me.

The worst is the issue of compatibility with the mobile, at least in my case, I have a Samsung A55 that with the Dexcom went wonderful, not a disconnection unless you separated a lot from the mobile, and now with free 3 I have aMherile disconnections and the solution they give is to change mobile, the problem is that mobiles compatible with free 3 most are obsolete and that are no longer sold.

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02/04/2025 8:42 p.m.

Good night.Please, do you know what hospitals in Madrid give the YPSOPump with free 3?I use the insight with free 2, but they withdraw it in December this year and in my hospital they are putting hurry to change, and do not offer the YPSOPump, which is what I would like to use.

Thanks, greetings

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02/05/2025 9:30 a.m.

Antonio20 said:
@Antonio20 said:

Good night.Please, do you know what hospitals in Madrid give the YPSOPump with free 3?I use the insight with free 2, but they withdraw it in December this year and in my hospital they are putting hurry to change, and do not offer the YPSOPump, which is what I would like to use.

Thanks, greetings

Hello in the Ramón y Cajal, which is what they gave it to me ... and I think that in peace, but I am not sure 100%...

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02/14/2025 7:19 p.m.

Hello!I have the 780g of Medtronic with Guardian 4 and, like most, I am considering changing.

My basic starting questions (I will have more, sure) are: Do you make automatic corrections in hyperglycemia to keep you in range?Have I understood in the comments that with iPhone (I use it because with the Medtronic bomb was it with whom it worked best) does not work well?The last one I have just released and it would be a task to change it.The infusion set, that is, the catheter and reservoirs how much do you have to change them?In Medtronic they now have about 7 days.Better Freestyle 3 than Dexcom?I think the freestyle 14 days and the Dexcom 10 last, which improve the current Guardian 4 of Medtronic, who last if, 7 days.

Thank you so much!

Diabético tipo I desde 1990 y tengo 53 tacos. En Abril de 2017 inicio Bomba con Minimed 640g y su MCG. Hoy estoy con Minimed 780G. Financiado MCG por la SS desde Junio-2018. Hipertensión arterial y ocular. Colesterol. Operado de 2 hernias discales cervicales (C5-C6 y C6-C7) pero con diagnóstico de "Operación fallida". La diabetes todo me lo perjudica....y nos arruina, la Seguridad Social debería financiar A TODOS!!!!! no cuando estás medio muerto como a mí!!!
Última HBA1C: 6,5% (después de muchos años en 9%)

02/17/2025 11:54 a.m.

Good, I have been with Medtronic 780g + G4 since November 2023 and I see that I am not the only one to which the bomb does not take it to the objective of 120.

I have tried almost everything, it is true that initially the cannulas gave me many problems and I have ended up using the metallic but the algorithm does not finish doing well.

The endocrine itself has proposed Ypsomed for March, so in a short one I will give you feedback of change.From what I have seen is much more programmable at the user level ... Indicate for example a small snack or ingest hydrates to alleviate a hypic thing that the Medtronic does not have.

It would be very useful for those who aspire to have it that when you comment it has its "things" that you detail them :)

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