Good afternoon everyone.
I wanted to tell you that my endocrine has proposed to me from bolis to bomb with closed handle and I have an appointment next month to explain what it consists of.
I totally do not know what devices enter social security (live in Catalonia), if you can choose between one or the other and, if so, which is the most recommended.
If you are using a bomb of this style, could you tell me what your experience is and if you would recommend it?
I read you, thanks 💖
DT1 desde mayo 2023 🍭
Hipotiroidismo subclínico, normopeso, 33 años
Toujeo + Novorapid 🖊️🖍️
Hi @Marge_Bouvier I also live in Catalonia, specifically in the Garraf region, and in my hospital, bombs are not put, according to my endo I have good control with a 7.5 hemo !!!outrageous.She tells me that she is not going to put the bomb because she only has 3 and those three go to patients with very bad control that is not my case.If you don't bother you, what hospital do you go?
For what I have informed if I could choose I think that for me and my current situation the best option would be Tandem Slimx2 or the Medtronic 780g.If you are determined, don't let her escape!I think it is a great leap of quality of life.You have a lot of tickets on bombs in the forum and they are super good!I have made a master's degree!
P.D: I am behind that they provide me with a bomb but first they should derive something they don't want.I have gone to the header, I go from me, my endocrine goes from me, and I ask the transfer to Bellvitge and nothing.
Here in Catalunya there is no free choice of specialist or hospital and I no longer know what to do.
Does anyone have any trick? or do you know how can I be referred to Bellvitge?
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moniiiquuee said:
hello @marge_bouvier I also live in Catalonia, specifically in the Garraf region, and in my hospital, they do not put bombs, according to my end I have good control with a hem of7.5 !!!outrageous.She tells me that she is not going to put the bomb because she only has 3 and those three go to patients with very bad control that is not my case.If you don't bother you, what hospital do you go?
For what I have informed if I could choose I think that for me and my current situation the best option would be Tandem Slimx2 or the Medtronic 780g.If you are determined, don't let her escape!I think it is a great leap of quality of life.You have a lot of tickets on bombs in the forum and they are super good!I have made a master's degree!
P.D: I am behind that they provide me with a bomb but first they should derive something they don't want.I have gone to the header, I go from me, my endocrine goes from me, and I ask the transfer to Bellvitge and nothing.
Here in Catalunya there is no free choice of specialist or hospital and I no longer know what to do.
Does anyone have any trick? or do you know how can I be referred to Bellvitge?
Oysters !!!I had no idea that they could refuse to give us the pump treatment.Isn't all DT1 supposed to have the same right?I think this seems very strong ... !!!
I live in Barcelona and treat me in the Vall d’Hebron.I am lucky because it is one of the most advanced hospitals in terms of diabetes and has a space and medical team dedicated exclusively to it.
I have a good control with the bolis (glycada below 6) but to get it I spend the day looking at and reminding my diabetes and I end exhausted, hence the interest in passing me to bomb.
DT1 desde mayo 2023 🍭
Hipotiroidismo subclínico, normopeso, 33 años
Toujeo + Novorapid 🖊️🖍️
Good, I think I am one of those indicated to answer you ... although I live in the province of Cádiz.
Normally and the most widespread bomb is the Medtronic 780g + Guardian Sensor G4.
After 22 years using feathers, since mid -November 2023 I changed to the pump.
I can't be happier.
I do sports daily, I control the diet etc etc.insulin to spuers ...
Now with the bomb the basal control is perfect, the bowling with the meals are mathematical and in practically 2 months, only 1 70 hypo and makes a couple of days precisely and by a series of successions that come out of the normal ...
If you use free2 right now, you will see that the duration of the guardian is lower (7 days), that the system of putting it is more tedious and so on ... and that if .. if everything goes ok it is much more precise than the free byGeneral Standard.
Mental peace, I encourage you to do it.
PD: What gave me the most stick was the issue of having the bomb hooked all day ... and in the end ... it is what I have become accustomed faster.
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@Marge_Bouvier I am in the CEX Diabetes del Vall Hebron, takes me the DRA.Simó ... I don't know if you too.
The bomb is according to the community, it seems to be.They offered me a year to debut, for my good control and to rest mentally (because I took very badly to click so much).They did not give me the option to choose, they gave me the Ypsomed Ypsopump (they have also told me that now they will only offer it to pregnant women).The first 6 months I handled it manually to familiarize myself with her.But since September 23, I have been closed, and it is a pass !!If it takes a couple of months to learn your glycemic patterns and at first you usually tend to be more high than low, but then it is brutal, I can be days and days with time in 100%range.Correct the small deviations alone and if you stay above the objective level (in my case 110) you are injecting you until you reach the target, when you reach it, cut the supply of insulin.What would I recommend it?Without a doubt!You do not have to be so on the glucose because she is correcting depending on the values that the sensor marks.In my case I changed from free 3 to Dexcom G6, which is more precise, and the truth gives less margin of error.The bomb is very tiny, weighs little ... it compensates for me.
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Well, good, I'm very happy to read your experiences.The truth is that, like many you say, it gives a lot of stick to wear another pot hung from the body all the time (and especially if you are a woman to dress more tight clothes, normally).But if you facilitate the control of diabetes, of course it compensates !!!!And a lot !!!Because the most fucked up of this disease is not hypers or hypos, but the tremendous mental burden that it entails.
I would also like to get pregnant at the end of this year or the next one, I have already gone through it and it is a very complicated stage to manage, with the bomb it would be much easier.
DT1 desde mayo 2023 🍭
Hipotiroidismo subclínico, normopeso, 33 años
Toujeo + Novorapid 🖊️🖍️
The Diabetica Tiktoker Maria Romeo has a closed handle bomb and shows in her Tiktok how she puts it on, how it works and how it is.
En 1922 descubrieron la insulina, en 1930 la insulina lenta. ¿Que c*** han hecho desde entonces?
Good to me, my endocrine told me that it is more tedious to wear a bomb than use the insulin bolis, since you have more freedom, than carrying the pump, of course it is always well controlled (glycosilated of 6.1) practically that of anon -diabetic person (between 5 or 5.5) so at the moment I do not consider putting it on, but also doubts (go to the beach, travel, sleep, etc.
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A consultation to those you carry bomb.
Do you bathe with it put or have to disassemble the pump and take out the infuser needle?
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@jubano My pump is watertight and you can get in the pool and on the beach with it, but considering that I have a naked and have nowhere to hook it ... I stop the automode, stop the pump, remove the infusor cable of the connector(From my body) and it closes automatically when I take the cable.That is, the infuses and the patch where insulin is injected in my body and normally shower (since it also endures the water).Then I connect it again with a "clik" and theme resolved.It does not take 10 seconds to perform this action.
@Antonimar for me freedom is given to me by the bomb, to be able to bed in 200 without having to wait for me to go and not have to be waking up at dawn to check if I need extra correction doses, prepare the ball, purge ... (andThat she is injecting what I need and being able to get up in 90, is priceless).Or go to eat outside and put on my mobile x rations and that automatically passed a bolus without having to be preparing needles .... for me it has more advantages than disadvantages.
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It gives me a bad vibes to be hooked to a machine, I suppose the control will improve.
But it improves because you are more pending?With insulin multidosis and with the same diet, would you not get the same results?
My endocrine told me that in my case I would vary very little glycosilada.
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@Juansolo I speak from my experience of carrying a bomb with closed handle.Be more pending?The opposite!There are times that you forget that you are a diabetic!You marked an objective at the beginning, in my case 110;And she will always try to take you to that range, injecting you more, less, or cutting the infusion.With the pump the alba effect is over, you reduce the hypoglycemia, if you are going to do a fixed sports "Ease-Off" and inject less than what would accustom, on the contrary there is the "boost" mode that comes great for thehormonal days that women have.I have a friend who did not lower the gly of 9 in all these years and finally, thanks to her, it is in less than 7.
But it is respectable, that if you already handle yourself with bolis and you have a good gly, you do not want to change ...
Everyone has to look for what contributes most in their day to day.
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Every time I read "closed" I get a rash.It is a lousy translation of "closed loop", refers to a re- or feedback bond (feedback) of automatic control or regulation, the fact that the measure (glycemia) is compared to the desired value (set point or slogan) forDetermine a control action (insulin infusion) at every moment.This principle has long been used in technologies of all kinds;The engineers say bond or closed loop, I don't know what idiot was invented about the "handle."The concept also serves to explain many aspects of the way of functioning of living beings;A related term is "homeostasis."

Personally, I have only tried the 780G Medtronic System with G4 sensors.The control goes very well and leaves you the glycoxylated in 5 and peak.The sensors are also very precise, but they are a pain, due to old (adhesives, batteries, procedures, etc.), so they last (only 7 days) and what fail (much).If you want to know more, ask me.
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Hello, how are I carried a tandem with IQ control and I can tell you that I just arrived from 30 km by bike after eating 90 free of hydrates and without putting bolus. He came out with 130 sugar and arrived with 85, in addition to the 90sGrams I put the pump the exercise mode. I want to say: with the feathers you always have insulin in the body that you do not need, and with the pump you have option to have insulin in the body or not, in my case I at certain times at certain timesIn the morning I need a rhythm of 0.7 while at the time of the night I need a rhythm of 1.15.With the feathers it is impossible. I have 43 years being type1 and so that they did not put the bomb and had good results.
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@"Cristóbal Cortés" I would recommend Talquistina .... It is going very well for the rashes and redness.
With engineering we have encountered!Forgive my inculture .... I am from the BCN de Obrero neighborhood, not from Pedralbes.Thanks for your master class, now I see everything clearer ...
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Cassie What does you have to do with Barrio Obrero de Bna to be Inginiero_A?In Spain we have a very good public university.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20
Cristóbal Cortés said:
Every time I read "closed" I get a rash.It is a lousy translation of "closed loop", refers to a re- or feedback bond (feedback) of automatic control or regulation, the fact that the measure (glycemia) is compared to the desired value (set point or slogan) forDetermine a control action (insulin infusion) at every moment.This principle has long been used in technologies of all kinds;The engineers say bond or closed loop, I don't know what idiot was invented about the "handle."The concept also serves to explain many aspects of the way of functioning of living beings;A related term is "homeostasis."

Personally, I have only tried the 780G Medtronic System with G4 sensors.The control goes very well and leaves you the glycoxylated in 5 and peak.The sensors are also very precise, but they are a pain, due to old (adhesives, batteries, procedures, etc.), so they last (only 7 days) and what fail (much).If you want to know more, ask me.
I love it, here one of the guild.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
@Regina, by allusions, I see that you have not caught my sarcasm ... Of course there are good public universities in Spain, I took my career at the UAB.It is that I did not understand how all that introduction of someone came, saying watermelons like "a rash", calling an idiot who came up with "handle" and boasting what "engineers say", showing a formula... It seems like an arrogant.When the thread goes from, do you use a closed handle bomb? Help someone your comment or offends?What else does the term "handle" be used?, Right that we all understand what the question referred to?I think it is unnecessary to get a tip to everything and make fun of the terms that we use one or the other.Nothing else.If with my frankness damage to someone, I apologize, it was not my intention.
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@Cassie, I do not see him arrogant, nor mockery of anyone.It is an explanation of a cycle, so your answer missed me.
Hija de 35 años , diabética desde los 5. Glico: normalmente de 6 , pero 6,7 la última ( 6,2 marcaba el Free)
Fiasp: 4- 4- 3 Toujeo: 20