Hello good,
I introduce myself, my name is Jesus, and I am diabetic dt1 insulin -dependent.I debuted just over a year ago, after spending four years diagnosed as DT2.
To what I was going, I have a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro, and it is impossible to start any "Free Sensyle 2" sensor, so since September 2021 all the sensors start them with the Freestyle reader.
I have asked Abbot agents, endocrine and diabetes nurses that phone could buy that they don't fail and they don't know how to say
All the best
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Forget about saying that after giving several sensors I fail with the phone in last September, although I have tried a couple of times for not having the reader nearby, the phone when trying to start them always gives a sensor of exhausted sensor
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I directly do not use mobile because something similar happened to me.Let's see if colleagues can help you.All the best.
DM1 desde 1990 - Fiasp y Toujeo - HG: 6,1
I use the Redmi Note 9 Pro and no failure, I have never used the reader who comes with the sensors
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The mobile is not the one that fails, the important thing really is the operating system and the version of it that is used.But come on, or have a potato from Mogollón or all mobiles usually go more or less the same.I have an iPhone 11, but my aunt has a normal Android (I do not know the brand of the terminal, which I already tell you, for me that does not matter a xiaomi that a samsung, to give two examples of brands) and it is great the same.
Diabetes tipo 1 desde los 28. Cuando quedo con mis amig@s siempre llego tarde, en la diabetes no iba a ser diferente 😅 También tengo hipotiroidismo, asma y alergias varias... soy una pupas.
Levemir y Fiasp
Freestyle Libre 2
Última HbA1c: 6 (Marzo 2023)
I have a Redmi Note 10 for a few months and without problem.But just before I had a BQ Aquaris 3 years ago and it was also good.It seems strange to me what you say.I think like tam, it's all with everyone ...
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
I use the Huawei P30 Pro, I have Android 10 and I am doing well.Now there are free patches 3, which just need to read once with NFC but then it is all for Bluetooth.
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I have had Samsung S2, A8 and now A5 and without problems.
I use freestyle glucometer to activate it because the app fails me and the gluconometro and the Diabox app keep measuring, so it is not the mobile, it is the ABBOTt app.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
To us (in the formative session of the Moisés Broggi hospital of Sant Just Desvern) we had a list of mobiles that were known that they worked well with the free 2. There were none of mid-low range, and specifically no xiaomi.As my mobile goes to rope and does not know what the NFC is, I never used it.(I speak in the past because I used the sensor from February to April and I have no intention of continuing with him.)
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ruthbia said:
I have had Samsung S2, A8 and now A5 and without problems.
Use freestyle glucometer to activate it because the app fails and gluchometer and the Diabox app keep measuring, so it is not the mobile, it is the ABBOTt app.
From the beginning I have thought that something happened to the application and that some failure was caught somewhere when starting the sensors.Because Abbot's agents in describing the problems to start the sensors with the phone did not stop telling me to restart it.That did and worked perfectly a sensor, I lost all the data on the phone and continued any sensor that tried to start with the mobile phone.
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Man, you have the option of returning to factory values in the mobile previously keeping a mirror of what you have ... or buying a mobile only for glucose since they do not sell freestyle gluometers for a few months.
I am failing the previous appointment app, in a system update never worked again.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
We are using an iPhone 7, it has not given us problems.
Padre de un peque con Diabetes tipo 1
- Humalog Junior y Abasaglar
- Freestyle Libre 2 ( Glucose direct )
I used to have a xiaomi and fatal, constant disconnections of the XDrip, it was insufferable, that was the reason why the mobile ends up to a Samsung and nothing to see, we are unusual to disconnect.
And as for the phone, with the Xiaomi Redmi 8 I was enchanted, but with the fatal sensor (I use Freestyle 2, patching and xDrip use for continuous measurement).
Diabética desde 2002
Tresiba y Fiasp
morganeta said:
I used toLet it disconnect.
And as for the phone, with the Xiaomi Redmi 8 I was enchanted, but with the fatal sensor (I use Freestyle 2, patching and xDrip use for continuous measurement).
I have thought many times to patch it for continuous reading, but I have an Xiaomi Redmi Note eight pro and I did not fulfill myself.Let's see if I have a breath with expenses and I do with a Samsung A52
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_ tacker _ said:
I introduce myself, my name is Jesus, and I am diabetic dt1 insulin -dependent.I debuted just over a year ago, after spending four years diagnosed as DT2.
To what I was going, I have a Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro, and it is impossible to start any "Free Sensyle 2" sensor, so since September 2021 all the sensors start them with the Freestyle reader.
I have asked Abbot agents, endocrine and diabetes nurses that phone could buy that they don't fail and they don't know how to say
All the best

I have an Xiaomi Mi 10 Lite 5G, it has NFC, and the free application of the sensor without problems works ... alarms and everything ....
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Xiaomi Redmi Note 11 Pro and works perfectly so much when they left me the free3 to try it as with Guardian 4 (yes, the mobile cannot be updated because the app stops working thanks to the nefarious maintenance of Medtronic).
DM1 desde Julio 1992 (con 11 años).
Bomba Medtronic 780G con Novorapid.
HbA1c: 5,9% (Octubre 2022), TIR 91%
macarron_con_diabetes said:
xiaomi redmi note 11 pro and works perfectly so much when they left me the free3 to try it as with the guardian 4 (yes, the mobile cannot be updated because the app stops workingThanks to the nefarious maintenance of Medtronic).
My mobile is not to blame, but there is no God to make a sensor start with him.
The mobile you have is precisely the one looking next to the Samsung A52s 5g
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The A52S 5G is the one that uses but I do not active sensors with it, I use the freestyle glucometer and then the mobile.So I have 2 measurement systems.
The Diabox only fails me when changing the sensor but I solve it by reinstalling on top again, without uninstalling anything.
My boy has Xiaomi and makes him "strangers" with some applications.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
07/19/2022 3:31 p.m.
I have been using sensors with the freestyle reader for a couple of months, it was reluctant to change but a few days ago I decided to activate a sensor with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8t and I wish I am that the fourteen days pass and activate again with the reader.I do not like for several reasons, the main one because it is disconnected from the bluetooth very often despite carrying it on top and always being with the alarm notifications due to signal loss so I have to take it disabled and another thing is that now not nowI can read with a reader, being activated with the mobile, conversely if I could look with both of them.
DM1 Debut: Mayo 2022
FreeStyle Libre 2
Novorapid: 3ud desayuno + 3ud comida + 3ud cena.
Toujeo: 20 ud noche.
HbA1: Mayo22 11.6% Julio22 7.5% Sept22 6.5% Agost23 6.2% Feb24 6.2% Nov24 5.7%