Hello! Just out of curiosity, the last sensor that I put on began to give me values of 50-60-70. I was the first day eating as a wild boar and the maximum that climbed was 90. When I got home, I compared with the hair measurement and was in 249! I placed the sensor on my arm as always with extreme care and care. But it is seen that it is spoiled. 40 equals about 80 70 equals about 200 This is how the unfortunate works. I called and they will send me a new but of course, it takes a week. Did something similar happened to someone?
In my case, there is always a variation when I am sleeping, the sensor registers 120 or 140 and I can actually be knowing how much ... I will start waking up at midnight to always make me a capillary.It bothers a lot, but in my case with an analysis at 8.1, I have become fatal to self -esteem ...
I leave the sensor implanted 24h before use and the end of the other, thus I avoid erroneous measurements (or at least not so much).