I can't get the freestyle

01/31/2021 3:22 p.m.

It is true that outside Spain it is cheaper, my daughter was bought in Portugal in any pharmacy and was very happy, this was before they began to give it in Galicia.In Madrid it has cost more but finally they grant it, the truth is that in each community it is one thing, in Galicia it was easier to achieve it and it has only been a matter of waiting a few years for the thing to change for better in Madrid and powerhave it.

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02/05/2021 11:26 p.m.

The type 2 that I know are not planned and the type1 is still a long way to walk ... In Madrid it has begun to give adults for a few months and for specific causes, that is not to all ...

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02/05/2021 11:28 p.m.

match53 said:
in Catalonia, where I reside, I understand that the SS only prescribes it to type 1 diabetics, so here if we want to use it comes out of the pocket, although it is true that it is true thatIf you go to France in the pharmacies it sells it at half the price that in Spain, hopefully they would give it to all those who are at a more exa -austive control level or that you can prick 3 or 6 times a day, because aMoment that in time you no longer know, I try for a month, because I have the border at 60 km, and it was wonderful, but my economy is fair, because they do not facilitate it?In some regions are they giving patients with type 2?, ......

The type 2 that I know are not planned and the type1 is still a long way to walk ... In Madrid it has begun to give adults for a few months and for specific causes, that is not to all ...

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