I am type 1 diabetic and I have created a shortcut that allows meReview the levels again :)
If you need some information on what "shortcuts" (if you do not know what it is), I leave you a link that explains it :) Link
You can import it from this link
IMPORTANT NOTE -& GT;We start from the base that the normal glucose range is configured between 70 and 170 mg / dl (if you want to modify from the shortcuts itself)
Use cases
If the glucose is less than 70 mg / dl, the glucose is recorded in the health application and proposes a suggestion to take some quick absorption carbohydrates and create a reminder so that after 15 minutes it re -verifies the glucose level.
If your glucose is between 70 and 170 mg / dl it is a normal glucose and the corresponding value is recorded, giving the option to add some insulin (asking if it is a bolus or basal), in which case, if added, alsoIt is recorded and wonders if you want to add a reminder to measure the levels again after 2 hours or not.
If your glucose is above 170 mg / dl, you will tell you that the value is high and that you need to manage some insulin (the amount will be asked and it will be assumed that it is automatically bolus type) and add a reminder to the 2hours to check the levels.
All actions carried out in direct access are reflected in the health application
The shortcut is immensely better, but for what I need, for now I will leave it as it is currently.
I hope you can give me ideas or suggestions on how to improve it :)
All the best!