Hello, I wanted to know if someone is using the bubble instead of Miao Miao. I currently carry Miao 1, I was thinking of buying the 2, but I think it is not worth it, for the theme of the battery, which seems to be almost like the lottery touches you the one that lasts the 14 days.
Hi Merchedm, it really is not that the lottery touches you if it lasts 14 days ... It is a product that is made to last even more than 14 days, as mine lasts.If you have battery problems, it is best to contact the manufacturer and provide you with a substitute.
Regarding Bubble, I cannot comment, since I have not had it, but I can tell you that with the MM2 I am very happy, I can even bathe with him or go to the pool without taking it off.
Hello!We use the bubble with free2.We had been using Dexcom G5 since October 2020 to G6 and since February 2021 I asked Freestyle2.We use free with bubble, + Nightscout that I use to follow and anticipate drops or ups when he is in school.Last summer he also carried two sensors to compare results between Dexcom G5 and Bubble+Libre 2 Bubble advantages: You can lengthen the sensor's life up to 8 hours more, that is to say 14 dasses;You can calibrate the results in the Diabox app;Readings every 5 min or 300 seconds, custom alarms.Do not pile free nor the bubble sticker Disadvantages: None I hope this information serves you.Luck