Does anyone know this artifact and if it is useful?
Link ZJOLO5SRNEYAJXNOGDMMOO3PTRW4GMGPBF5NCW13PMQAAVRZEALW_WCB & AMP; HVADID = 312831256316 & AMP; HVDEV = C & AMP; HVLOCPHY = 9061033 & AMP; HVNETW =S&SP HVPOS = 1T1 & AMP; HVQMT = E & AMP; HVRAND = 1162284562276103855 & AMP; HVTARGID = Aud-611052562773%3AKWD-475498137559 & AMP; HYDADCR = 2971_1745169 & AMP; i+Cap1 & amp; qid = 1560610159 & amp; s = gateway & amp; sr = 8-1-spons & amp;psc = 1
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No idea.I use silicone cooler that recovers with water
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
I have bought the artifact.I attach your instructions.It is easy to use.The battery is consumed per year and cannot be replaced.They have the carelessness of saying that you buy another cap (€ 79.90).

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Well, the comments is none very good, can you put a real photo of your model please?
Miembro del equipo moderador del foro.
Ultima prueba realizada:
Maratón San Petesrburgo (Rusia)
Prueba deportiva Ruta de las Fortalezas.
Facebook: Jorge Moto
Usuario Dexcom G6 y microinfusora Tandem T: Slim X2 Basal IQ
The photos that appear in the link are real.
The artifact weighs 72 grams, measuring 9 cm long and 3 cm thick.It is made of hard plastic and looks solid.
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From what I have DM1 I have gone 4 times to the beach / heat areas (Greece) and I have used the famous cold bags.They have worked great.I have several sizes.They get wet in water, and swell some stones / gel that have and maintain the stable temperature around 25/28, depending on the external temperature.They last for several days and you only have to cool them from time to time.I did a test at home putting a thermometer inside!
And they are very good price
DM1 desde Marzo 2018 (53 años). 7-10 unidades basal: Abasaglar (insulina glargina). NovoRapid. Factor 1.0/1.5.
Vivo en Alemania. CarboH total dia 70-80 gr. Deporte Gym todos dias L-V 1h-2 h
HbA1c 5,5% (Abril 2022)
Dexcom G6
I am a diabetic veteran (I am 68 years old and I was diagnosed with DM 1 38 years ago).
I know the cold refrigerant cases for about thirty years and I still use them because they are effective, useful (they were better 30 years ago, because they had more crystals/gel).
But the object of this thread is not to discuss the benefits of cold refrigerators;It is to weigh the new product to which the first post refers.
My experience with this new gadget is positive.It is very manageable, solid, less bulky than cold cases and you can carry it in any pocket, bag or any other container, without having to worry about the humidity produced by evaporation, which is the cold cooling principle.
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@Rubioares, 38 years with diabetes!.Sure there are many interesting stories to share.Greetings.
Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.
I am looking for a neverite or case that works with electricity, for example to use in or hotels aircraft.One with capacity for about 15 pen.
Debut 46 â- 2012. DM1. Celiaquía e intolerancia lactosa. Anemia perniciosa.
MiniMed 640g + SmartGuard.
Solaria: In my many trips (Canada, USA, Russia, Egypt ...), I have only taken 4 feathers.For its conservation, artifacts such as the following could be useful: Link are many more on Amazon.
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