Hello everyone!
I have been with the bomb and still have the basal for the pump and I still have the basal ones ... every day to the mosmas hours more or less the hypos appear ...
I am going down from 0'10 in 0'10 to see if I get it little by little.Because everyone says that with the bomb the descents are controlled but I have not succeeded ...
After eating, for example, I have 125 and at the time I already low, it doesn't endure there what should be?Let's see if someone has happened to him.
Thank you!!!!
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Hi @vanesika.There is a very good book that explains all these "Think like to pancreas" and that I recommend a lot.It is necessary to differentiate whether the descent is between meals or after eating (within two hours later).
If after eating you are in 125 and at the low time, you may have the ratios badly calculated (insulin to put for each ration).Keep in mind that ratios are usually different for breakfast/food/dinner.Go down the ratio of food little by little, until at 2 hours after food, you are well.
If the descent occurs between meals, for example low from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.According to this book and for adults, it is recommended to lower the basal from 1 hour before (in children I recommend 2 hours before).I mean that we would have to drop from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.The quantity to lower the book recommends it to the following way:

It is very important to make these changes when there are neither bowling or active carbohydrates.His are 4 hours without bowling.This is what a basal test calls in book.
Thank you very much Albertot!I will look for that book to see if I find the case.At the moment I am going down the basal of the section that lowers me from 0'10 in 0'10.: -T
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That book is very, very, very good.
I also recommend it.
You can buy it on Amazon:
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I believe that if the descent is after eating, that is, at two hours, you should adjust the bolus as well.Check with your doctor
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