Hello, diabetic here since I was 5 years old, already reaching the 60s "of evolution".Courage, your life will be complicated, but long.
As for your issue, I have no experience with the Tresiba, but it is the same for all retarded insulins.It is a control problem.By definition, have the profile they have, they act 12-24 hours late.That means you cannot use the dose to correct control.Spot.
In my case, the problem were not hyperglycemia, but something worse, hypoglycemia.My opinion is that it has no remedy with pen.The problem is solved by a continuous infusion pump with rapid insulin.With it (and your endocrinologist/o) programs a variable basal profile throughout the day to stay in range.My experience is that the glycosilada kept me (I was and followed in 6 and peak), but suppressed the hypos.That is, an average control much better.
Continuous sensors such as free help and facilitate life, but not much control does not improve.Now I carry a closed loop system (780g with G4 sensors of Medtronic).Of course, the glycar lows at the normal level (5 and peak) and ninety percent of the time in range.
The pump is a broken kinx that you carry 24/7 attached to the body with a pipe, but well, it is what there is.
Luck.And if you want to ask something, do not cut yourself.
RAKE said:
@Rake said:
Hello sweets!
I am Raquel and I would like you to give me your opinion, despite being 33 years old and 25 of diabetics, I continue with files x !!!!
I am using the freestyle sensor, so I look at sugar levels much more (sometimes I get obsessed) .. The fact is that with the 10 units of three that I wear, I keep "well" during the day.But I have days noticing that after 6 pm in the afternoon, it starts to climb without any explanation.
I give you an example:
At 14:00 before food he had 83, at 15:30 he had 160 ...... at 5:00 p.m., 145 ... we are going quite well.And from 17:30, without taking anything it has risen me to 180 ..... at 20:00 I was already 200, and it is what I have reached dinner.
Tresiba, I don't think I should get up because if I don't just have a breakfast time ... and my endo told me to keep it to avoid a descent ... my question is, what would you do, put a unit of quickTo correct?Despite not taking any snack?
I ask why this little accustomed to correcting, and I have only done it when I have had more than 250 ..
Thanks in advance.