
I am not type and exactly but lada, which is also autoimmune, and there is practically not a single day that does not rise from 220 or fall from 70. And if it were from home the 300 or 350 nobody takes them away.

I need around 20 unitsSlow insulinTresiba a day and between 10 and 20Fast insulinFIASP according to the food and the exercise to be done, at least an intensive hour of the mountain bicycle day.

Very often I have to correct some hyperglycemia;If I can exercise, but if not, with 3 or 4 uds of extra fiasp, and sometimes more.

At least once or two a week I have hypoglycemia, but it happens to me immediately eating any sweet minimum.I always wear some chuche and a sugar envelope on case.Some severe hypo I have had but it has always been my fault for spending hours with the bike and then not eating enough because of fear of hyperglycemic rebound.

In my case I have tried everything and it is impossible to carry a better control but still glycosylated from 5.6 to 5.8 that is the truly important long -term data.

My advice is that if you have good glycosylated ones, the one that goes up to 200 for a couple of hours a day does not matter, only hypoglycemia are worrisomein the short term.

If those high levels remain many hours a day then you will have high gyted unless you correct persistent hyperglycemia and there are only three ways: eat less hydrates, do more physical exercise or correct with rapid insulin.

I fear that there is no trick that serves all diabetics because each one is a world, you have to test combinations until you find the one that comes best to you.
