I throw it to the yellow cube everything except the needle that goes to the orange or brown cube.
Before I had a sanitary waste container that the nurse gave me for the needles, but it is a roll.Pick it up, make an appointment to take it, to give you another ...
In the sigre they do not collect sensors, I have already asked.Only medications.
And I say that while China and the US skip the Kyoto protocol, which more gives me a needle or sensor to the general garbage.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
In their day, when I started using them and just like needles, strips, insulin feathers, etc.I asked in my pharmacy and they told me that they didn't take it.I called the Madrid City Council and they told me that I could not take to the clean point, so ... my sister told me that in your health center they pick it up but since I am I am not coverage with Social Security I do not know if they would leave meTake them there.
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08/22/2021 6:15 p.m.
I sent an email that I found on the Abbot website and answered a machine with an impersonal message.I understand that they will go from me.I will trust what I read here and throw the sensors to the battery container.The other option is to throw them into the organic garbage, which is where the needles and the strips and insulin pen, because in my health center they do not give me any special container and, basically, they don't care.
Debut: 2001
Novorapid/ Toujeo (22 unidades)
HbA1c: 8 (Necesita mejorar)
Sensor Free Style desde 2021
I have read that insulin bolis are deposited at the point of the pharmacy and I do so (it is a container).
Pilas container sensors.
The needles and lancetas told me in my center that I put them inside a boat so that no one clicks and when full, to the normal container.
I throw them directly in the trash.
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
The Sigre point of pharmacies does not admit or batteries or needles, so do not invent things that the people of recycling do not win for scares.
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08/23/2021 3:34 p.m.
As put on the webThe radiographs, chemicals or batteries must be deposited at the sigre points. "
And the containers where the sensor is going to yellow?
Debut: 2001
Novorapid/ Toujeo (22 unidades)
HbA1c: 8 (Necesita mejorar)
Sensor Free Style desde 2021

To the battery container, I put it at the door of the endocrinology consultation to that of needles you cannot because they are incinerated and the battery explodes.
DM1 desde el 81 antes de naranjito.
Con bomba desde 2012
Minimed Veo parading
Minimed 640g desde 06/2015
Minimed 640g desde 19/03/2016 la 2a
Minimed 780g desde el 23/03/2021
Hemoglobina 12/01/2021->6.1
28/07/2021-> 6.4
@samoeus thanks for the information!That poster should be in all endocrinology consultations.
DM1 desde 1982: Toujeo+Novorapid
Hello, I separate it, the needles of the plastics and I put them in a container that later led to the clean point of my city and there they go to several containers according to the composition material
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I use a yellow container that I ask the nurse in the health center, which is where I throw hair, needles and the part of the sensor that the filament has as the Morganet's disassembly shows
The other, without that part that was inserted in the body, can (must) go to the battery container
What is needles, capillary strips and that part of the sensor that was inserted contains biological remains that must be processed as is done with that material in the health center.For that they have hired a service that collects it and treats it conveniently (autoclave to eliminate potentially dangerous biological remains: remember that it was in contact with blood, and that although we are healthy ... there are many diseases that are transmitted by blood)
Tip: If you have not done it, ask for yellow container when you give your needles and get into it when you go looking for more needles.They do not care to send one as 10. By the way: needles should not go to the trash, but to that yellow biological container
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I, tired of fighting with the pharmacy and the office the sensors with pilas and needles, feathers etc. to a bottle of water and when it is full to general garbage.
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Well, at the point of the pharmacy the feathers are thrown.And the stack container sensors.The needles, lancetas and strips do like you, what they told me, to a plastic boat and when it is full, normal garbage
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
Until now I wore the needles of the feathers to the hospital every time I go to consult with my son, where they do blood extractions.The rest left it in the sigre with the sensor inside its container.I will follow the council of the battery container.Thank you!
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02/15/2023 9:23 a.m.
At first I asked at the health center, nurses, in the pharmacy, at the limp point ..... nothing at all.No fucking idea.So I put the sensor in the battery container that caught me more by hand, the applicator and plastics to the yellow cube and the cardboard container to the corresponding cube.And with respect to needles, always covered with their plastic protector go to general non -recyclable garbage.With the bolis spent, it depends, sometimes the yellow container, of containers, and others to the non -recyclable garbage.
I try to be respectful of the environment, but what I am not willing to do is drive myself crazy with all the material that no organism is capable of indicating how I should act at the end of its useful life.And it is not to justify me, but every time I open the container to throw something and see what I see inside it ..... I want to recycle anything.Even so, I will keep trying.
Lada desde 2018. Freestyle Libre 2. Tresiva y Humalog J. Alimentación "low carb".
wave said:
At first I asked in the health center, nurses, in the pharmacy, at the limpio point ..... nothing at all.No fucking idea.So I put the sensor in the battery container that caught me more by hand, the applicator and plastics to the yellow cube and the cardboard container to the corresponding cube.And with respect to needles, always covered with their plastic protector go to general non -recyclable garbage.With the bolis spent, it depends, sometimes the yellow container, of containers, and others to the non -recyclable garbage.
I try to be respectful of the environment, but what I am not willing to do is drive myself crazy with all the material that no organism is capable of indicating how I should act at the end of its useful life.And it is not to justify me, but every time I open the container to throw something and see what I see inside it ..... I want to recycle anything.Even so, I will keep trying.
I can't agree with you more.I get depressed when I see the organic container full of cardboard boxes being the paper next door, or look at paper and see plastics and crystals inside ...
But anyway, I try to do well.And it coincides that it shoots everything like you except the bolis that made them at the sigre point of the pharmacy.
I asked the endo recently for the sensors and told me that or to the plastic (God, plastic when they carry batteries!) Or the batteries .... that they did not know very well.
So much history with recycling, environmentalism and nobody knows how to tell you, because it has not been thought, what do we have to do with diabetes residues, a disease that affects many people ... and has not thought about it?
How sad and how bad ...
DM 2 con páncreas agotado desde diciembre 2020. 51 años entonces.
HG diciembre 2020: 15.9. Última HG: enero 2025 6,1
Abasaglar 10 unidades. Metformina, 1000/0/1000. Humalog junior: 2 unid en desayuno y luego en función de lo que coma.
To the yellow container that they give you in the health center with the skull and the warm, to recycle human organic products.
One more break at home, there are needles and sensors.
When it is filled, it is taken to the health center and give you another.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
02/15/2023 12:24 p.m.
@Ruthbia, because I wish it were like that.But they don't give you a container, nor do they tell you what you can do with it.It is like what I will always remember that the useless bosses said: you do not come with problems, and if you come, bring me the solutions ... in short
Lada desde 2018. Freestyle Libre 2. Tresiva y Humalog J. Alimentación "low carb".