Yes, it happens to me too.It is that as soon as the trend arrow is not horizontal, it does not let the value introduce.
In Telegram there is another group (called Diabox) where they have put a version of November 18, 2024 ( Link but I read that I failed and I continue with the 2023.
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
Ruthbia said:
@Ruthbia said:
Yes, it happens to me too.It is that as soon as the trend arrow is not horizontal, it does not let the value introduce.
In Telegram there is another group (called Diabox) where they have put a version of November 18, 2024 ( Link, but I read that I failed and continue with the 2023.
But it also happens to me with the arrow horizontally, in the photo that I have sent, the arrow is like this ...
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