@Ruthbia said:
@meginer said:
@Ruthbia said:
@Anaisabel did not restart me, wait a few minutes and reached alone.Of course with June 2023.
Diaboxkotlin is apparently the same as Diabox but it didn't work for me.If it allows to calibrate but fails.
@Meginer measures me continuously with the plus, I have no problems, but I do not use LibreLink and I have no interference.For me that they have only extended 24h the duration, the rest is all the same.
@Set in Madrid gave me the first 6 plus in January, I had 4 normal and that's why I released it in March.They come from the FJD.
But you have the free 2 continuous? I mean that if you downloaded the version of the Free continuous.I have the old one, scan with my mobile and I have diabox for everything else, I have the permits removed to the free.But my question is that with the plus you can continue like this or you have to have the continuous version of the free and if it does not.Pq if you are going to give problems, Quito Diabox ta Q The interesting thing is that it can calibrate, and if you can't, it is not worth it.
I still activate with the modified free 1 glucometer that does not measure continuously, the freeLink app is the last in force, but scan by NFC so that there is data for the endocrine, does not measure continuously for having activated with glucometer, and I have a Diabox in continuous.The same as with free 2 when I was not plus.In a clock with G-Watch and without problems taking Diabox data.
I have this version of LibreLink

The version that I have of Free is 2.8, I see that you have 2.12, I imagine that it will be the one that allows the continuous measurement, that I already say that I do not download it because I use Diabox for continuous.My version of Android is 13, I did not update it at 14 because they told me that I gave problems for all these app.That is why I ask you: better to download version 2.12 of the free?, The free 2 plus does not go with the version that I have that is old or does it go? There are problems with Diabox with this version and the plus?, Can it be calibrate with Diabox and the.
It is that it is not clear to me.
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03/12/2025 8:54 a.m.
Diaboxkotlin ..
A few weeks later, until I have only 2 sensors I can not make an appointment with the nurse of the Health Center to request a new sensor remittance.Therefore, I continue with those who gave me the last time, the free 2. For what you say, I think the next ones will be the plus, but we will see.
On the other hand, I have returned to give several opportunities to the latest version of Diaboxkotlin.A disaster: continuous disconnections, every time a sensor change an absolute chaos with deletion of apps, new discharges and facilities .... come on that I have fed up for the umpteenth occasion and uninstalled it.In my case, I only want it for that of calibration, but the problems it gives me are not worth it.Apparently, they are about to get a new version shortly, but we go that I think I will not continue with the headaches.
I as a clock use Garmin, since they are the ones I use for the sport.When Diabox works, it is perfect, but I can't make more than 8 hours without failures and Bluethouse disconnections.In short, I lose the advantages of calibration and, knowing the differences in the free data with the glucometer, because I have returned to freelink up, being a follower of myself, and at least I avoid the headache.
On the other hand, Diabox connects with Garmin by Bluethood, so you usually have a connection between them.However, LibreLink Up does it if there is internet data connection, so in mountain areas with difficult coverage because you run out of the clock, although they continue operational in the Smartphone app.That is, you have to get the phone to enter the free app and see the glucose, but you lose it in the Garmin and it is still a fattening.
Lada desde 2018. Freestyle Libre 2. Tresiva y Humalog J. Alimentación "low carb".
Diaboxkotlin ..
A few weeks later, until I have only 2 sensors I can not make an appointment with the nurse of the Health Center to request a new sensor remittance.Therefore, I continue with those who gave me the last time, the free 2. For what you say, I think the next ones will be the plus, but we will see.
On the other hand, I have returned to give several opportunities to the latest version of Diaboxkotlin.A disaster: continuous disconnections, every time a sensor change an absolute chaos with deletion of apps, new discharges and facilities .... come on that I have fed up for the umpteenth occasion and uninstalled it.In my case, I only want it for that of calibration, but the problems it gives me are not worth it.Apparently, they are about to get a new version shortly, but we go that I think I will not continue with the headaches.
I as a clock use Garmin, since they are the ones I use for the sport.When Diabox works, it is perfect, but I can't make more than 8 hours without failures and Bluethouse disconnections.In short, I lose the advantages of calibration and, knowing the differences in the free data with the glucometer, because I have returned to freelink up, being a follower of myself, and at least I avoid the headache.
On the other hand, Diabox connects with Garmin by Bluethood, so you usually have a connection between them.However, LibreLink Up does it if there is internet data connection, so in mountain areas with difficult coverage because you run out of the clock, although they continue operational in the Smartphone app.That is, you have to get the phone to enter the free app and see the glucose, but you lose it in the Garmin and it is still a fattening.
This email has just arrived.It seems that I have to update and then I can not use Diabox?
If I have to go to the continuous format, could glycemia see somehow in a Amazfit 2 GTS mini?
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15 days nothing.He has just died as of day 13.
Fails the same as free 2
Lada enero 2015.
Uso Toujeo y Novorapid.
Ruthbia said:
@Ruthbia said:
15 days nothing.He has just died as of day 13.
Fails the same as free 2
Well, just like the 2, sometimes at 7 d he tells you that the sensor does not work and that you change it.What worries me most is not to be able to use Diabox and calibrate, so not to update the version of the free but if they tell me that it is not compatible that I have ... but it will continue to continue and intuit that I will not give me Diabox.Nor do I know how to see glycemia in the clock (either with continuous free or whatever) since it is super important for me and just turn the wrist and I see how I am, many times in the work I am in a stressful situation and I cannot be taking out the mobile.I don't know if someone can guide me.Thank you.
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